Why You Should Speak To A Personal Injury Lawyer After A Car Accident

Car accidents can be terrifying and traumatizing both for victims and onlookers. However, if you have been involved in an accident that was not your fault, then, you may be able to seek compensation for the damages and injuries suffered through filing a personal injury claim. Working with an NYC Personal Injury Attorney can help you better address the legal case.

They will help you in seeking compensation for your medical bills, physical rehabilitation, lost wages, and other expenses which were incurred as a result of the accident. However, these compensations can only be sought with full help from a qualified attorney who knows the law and will employ all the appropriate legal channels.

Most people wonder why they should reach out to a personal injury attorney as soon as they have been involved in an accident. Below are some of the benefits you stand to gain from retaining a personal injury attorney to represent your interests.

They Help With Insurance Company Negotiations

When dealing with a personal injury claim, chances are that insurance companies may attempt to brush off your claim or offer you much less than your case is worth in compensation. If you, however, have a competent and experienced attorney who is skilled in the art of negotiation, you may end up getting way more than was initially offered by the insurance company. In other cases, you may also be able to take the case to trial if the attorney feels the insurance company is offering compensation that is too small for the damages caused.

Understanding Of Settlement Options

There are certain legal terms that appear clear to you but have some undertones that may restrict or harm you. Insurance companies can be notorious for offering settlements and this is why you need a personal injury attorney who is able to run through the legal document, explain things to you in much simpler terms and make sure that you understand what is required of you as contained in the settlement offer. In certain cases, your attorneys may modify the settlement offer and submit a counter offer which is more flexible and favorable for you.


Your personal injury lawyer is motivated to help you seek the best results in your personal injury case. When your lawyer is getting paid on a contingency basis, they understand that a win for you means a win for them and a loss for you means they don’t get paid for their legal services. To ensure that their self-interest is also protected, your injury lawyer will go above and beyond to ensure that your rights are protected.

When Should I Contact A Lawyer?

Several people come to the crossroad as to when they need to hire an attorney in their personal injury case. To better understand when you need to hire an attorney read below:

When You Have Been Seriously Or Permanently Injured

If you have sustained serious physical or internal injuries as a result of another person’s negligence, then, you should reach out to an attorney as soon as you can to get the personal injury case started on. Common injuries suffered in personal injury cases include back pain, neck pain, whiplash, brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, broken limbs and amputations, and more. If the worst comes and you suffer from brain injury, ask for help from expert Burbank brain injury attorneys to explore all the legal options available for you to get maximum compensation.

When An Accident Has Resulted In  Death

If a loved one has been involved in an accident which has resulted in their death, then you should reach out to an attorney as soon as possible to get started on a personal injury claim. Such a claim as this may grant compensation in the form of loss of companionship, emotional trauma, loss of consortium, loss of livelihood and more.

You Don’t Know Who Is At Fault

When you are involved in an accident and you are not sure who is at fault, it is recommended that you avoid accepting fault whether at the scene of the accident or when you are issuing a statement to the police. Call on your attorney as they are in a better position to investigate the crash and decide the at-fault party.

Other instances where you can reach out to an attorney include:

1. When the collision took place in a school zone, construction zone or other protected areas.

2. When the accident report or police report has failed to accurately describe what has happened.

3. When the insurance company has refused to offer compensation for the damages incurred.

When you have been involved in an accident, be sure to reach out to a competent personal injury attorney as fast as possible.