Home Blog Car Service How To Fix Chips in a Windshield

How To Fix Chips in a Windshield

Man mechanic using glue welding cracked windshield

Small damages on the windshield of a car can cause large problems down the road, so you mustn’t ignore them. If you find any chips in your windshield, you can make them disappear by carrying out a simple windshield repair.

This article will provide ways to fix those annoying little chips and stop them from getting worse before they get better. If you don’t feel comfortable doing windshield repairs yourself, you can always have it repaired professionally. Click the following link to book an appointment: www.superautoglasscalgary.ca. Follow these steps exactly if you want to avoid calling an auto-glass specialist to replace the entire windshield.

1. Get Rid of the Chip Immediately

If possible, inspect your windshield frequently for any small cracks or chips that may be starting up. Damage from cracks can get worse over time, so it’s important to catch problems early and get windshield repairs done before they spread. Cracks and chips are more difficult to spot at night when all you see is a reflection of light against the glass, but by daylight, they should be much easier to notice with a quick look around.

2. Get Rid of The Debris

To get rid of the chip, it is important first to clean off all debris from the area as well as you can. Use a towel or cloth and wipe away as much excess dirt as possible so that only the tiny little chip remains. In cases where a bit of paint has chipped off with the glass, use some rubbing alcohol on a clean rag to rub the paint away. There should be no rust underneath, which will eventually grow and become a larger problem than just a tiny chip if left untreated. For areas with heavy rust, either try one of our other methods for getting rid of paint or take your car in for an auto glass replacement.

3. Prepare the Glass Area Ahead of Time

Some methods for fixing chips into windshields will require that it has first been prepared. If you are doing something like using toothpaste or wax, this step should be pretty self-explanatory. However, if the chip is not prepped correctly for other techniques, it may break apart and become worse than before. Soaking paper towels to prep an area with resin filler is common practice since the paper towel soaks up any excess liquid that would cause problems down the line during application. When preparing to fill a chip with resin, place three soaked sheets of paper towel over the top of it so that all sides are covered. Once they dry, there won’t be enough fluid to do any harm.

4. Use Toothpaste to Fix Chips

As long as there are no issues with rust below, all you need is a tiny amount of toothpaste and some water to help spread it around. Toothpaste is great for filling small chips because it bonds to the windshield glass so well. If you have excess toothpaste or don’t want to use that method, try wax instead.

5. Fill With Wax When Using Toothpaste Isn’t an Option

Wax is another material that can be used in place of toothpaste when dealing with car chipping problems. It works much like dental wax, which you would put inside your mouth, only it should be much thicker to hold up. Heat it with a lighter by holding the flame directly above the wax until it has become liquid enough to spread over the area where there is damage. Then, once it cools down, you can use a thin plastic spatula or even a credit card to help smooth out any creases and get rid of excess wax that may have leaked onto the surrounding glass.

6. Use Clear Tape If Wax Fills Cracks Too Much

You’ll want to take electrical tape since it’s extra sticky and won’t peel off when pressed against by your windshield wipers during rainy seasons. Sometimes filling a crack with wax takes too much material away from the rest of the windshield, so using tape is helpful in these cases. Once you’ve secured the video over the top of the crack, give it a couple of hours until it dries, and then carefully peel off all that excess material.

7. Sand the Area With 600 Grit Wet Sandpaper

Wet sanding with 600 grit wet sandpaper is helpful when dealing with large crusted-over chips where wax won’t work. By taping over the area with sandpaper using clear packaging tape, you can sand away at the glass without worrying about causing any more damage to your windshield. Be sure not to press too firmly or rub too harshly because this will cause unwanted cracks, which are much harder to fix than more minor chips.

8. Use Mineral Spirits for Very Stubborn Chips

Mineral spirits are specifically designed for use on glass which makes them great for filling stubborn chips. That’s because the material won’t dry up like other types of liquids can, and it tends to bond better with glass than anything else would. Using mineral spirits means you don’t need any tape or wax beforehand; all you need is a Q-Tip (or any cotton swab) and some paper towels if things get too messy.

9. Use Resin Fillers After Applying Mineral Spirits

Remember how we mentioned using wax as an alternative to toothpaste? Well, resin fillers are another option to try instead of either one. You’ll still want to use water to help spread around the resin filler so that there isn’t too much excess building up at one spot. If you’re short on time, speed up the drying process by using a hairdryer to heat it.

10. Cure Chips with UV Light

The sun is one of the best ways to help cure chips so they won’t continue cracking or get worse after being filled. The ultraviolet rays are responsible for slowing down the development of rust which helps keep your car’s body in good shape for much longer than it would without this protection. Since you will likely need sunlight at some point while driving around, imagine all the free curing power you have just sitting inside your car! Just be sure not to leave any resin filler or wax over the top because these products cause damage when exposed to sunlight.


Windshield chips are a common occurrence, especially in states where it snows. You can fix these chips without having to replace your windshield by following some simple steps.


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