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How to Use OBD GPS Tracker to Track Car Mileage and Fuel Consumption?

How to Use OBD GPS Tracker to Track Car Mileage and Fuel Consumption?

Are you wondering whether a GPS tracker is better suited for your vehicle or an OBDII tracker? GPS trackers are assumed to be the better choice, but OBD trackers come with their share of features.

They are the hidden gems of the trucking industry. Their installation process is simple. These trackers are easy to use too. These trackers also record location and other basic facilities installed in every sort of tracker. According to some reports, they are the most suitable for vehicle tracking when compared to others.

GPS trackers are often famous for their features like vehicle mileage and fuel consumption. What if we told you that an OBD tracker could do that too?

What is an OBD port and tracker?

The OBD port has been in the market since the 1980s. By 1996, it became a mandatory requirement for all commercial vehicles. This port is on the right, below the dashboard. Through it, you can gather information on vehicle functioning and engine health. For example, it keeps tabs on the condition of the exhaust pipe. It records all activities, right down to the toxic gas emissions of the vehicle. You will immediately receive an emergency alert. So you can keep an eye on the internal mechanisms of your truck or car.

You can make optimum use of your OBD port to the fullest with OBD trackers. These trackers not only relay vehicular information faster but also track the location and share the information with you.

OBD trackers are different from other types of trackers. For one, you connect them to the OBD port. These ports offer a direct insight into the health and functioning of your vehicle. Hence, you install it here. Unlike these, portable GPS trackers, also known as plug-and-play trackers, are attached via a magnetic case. These magnets are made from good quality materials and therefore withstand the test of time. They use satellite technology to obtain the location of the vehicle.

Wired trackers are attached directly to the car’s engine. It uses a three-wired connection of power, ignition, and ground connection. The installation process for hardwired trackers is complicated. You have to hire a professional to connect it to your truck or car.

OBD trackers have a simple installation, saving you money, effort, and time. They help you keep track of all transmission diagnostic information for all fleets, as well as private vehicles.

Advantages of an OBD Tracker

Authenticate your vehicle’s mileage

OBD trackers are the best tools to verify your car’s mileage. Finding the exact mileage of a vehicle is a tedious job. For a fleet, it becomes even harder. OBD trackers calculate the mileage of every car or truck you install them in. This lets you take action to take care of any mileage-related issues. It also allows you to reduce fuel-related costs and increase profits.

Identify a problem immediately

OBD trackers provide a feature called vehicle problem diagnosis. This keeps a tab on the exhaust gas treatment system. You can obtain information from it whenever you want! OBD trackers also record any anomalies that it detects. It informs you immediately as well.

Use it for multiple vehicles

Transferring the tracker from one vehicle to another is quite simple. If you have multiple cars this tracker is a good fit for you. OBD trackers are plug-and-play trackers. You can pull it out of one OBD port and attach it to another. So, you can use an OBD tracker for multiple cars in a fleet. It allows close monitoring. These trackers work with most vehicles.

What else does an OBD tracker offer you?

  • You can improve your driving skills with OBD trackers. They identify risky driving behaviors immediately and inform you. Activities like harsh braking or excessive speeding are detected by this tracker, and it will notify you. You can monitor your activity with this feature. By promoting safe driving practices, you improve your road safety and make it a safe environment for others. It also makes others’ safety easier. Some trackers also display comparative driving data. You can check to see whether your activity has improved in any way. Some even provide graphic evidence about harsh driving, making it simpler for you to comprehend your errors and get better.
  • These trackers are easy to install and use. All you have to do is connect the tracker to the OBD port you can locate in your car. The port is above the gas pedal and below the steering wheel. The tracker only needs to be inserted into it. It gathers all the information about your car. Also, you may quickly get this information. Most OBD providers have a website to relay the information.
  • You do not need to charge them. OBD trackers do not use a battery. So, they do not require charging! Many GPS trackers use batteries and have to be recharged or replaced once in a while. Drivers need to detach the tracker from its location and do so. It is a tedious hassle and can be avoided with an OBD tracker. Since nothing of the sort is required for an OBD tracking device you do not need to remove it from the port. You also don’t have to worry about your charging not working when you need it.
  • OBD trackers collect a wide range of information. These trackers are plugged inside the vehicle, giving them access to all of your vehicle’s data. You can make observations about fuel efficiency, vehicle mileage, diagnostics, aggressive driving, engine activity, etc. The tracker will also notify you if it notices any anomalies in the vehicle so you may address them before they become problems. With this arsenal of information, you can significantly improve your vehicle’s performance. You can also make driving more effective. Some OBD trackers also offer advice on how to drive more safely and behave more responsibly when driving.

It is because of these reasons that OBD trackers are the hidden gems of the trucking industry. Moreover, they are quite affordable and pocket-friendly. They cost less than portable and wired GPS trackers. Thus, these trackers offer more reliable features and information for a lesser price. Also, since they are so small and compact, they do not interfere with your driving and cause no discomfort. Thus, OBD trackers are the way to go!


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