Home Blog Car Service 7 Auto Maintenance Tips Every Car Owner Must Know

7 Auto Maintenance Tips Every Car Owner Must Know

10 Car Maintenance Tips for New Drivers

Just like any other prized possessions, it is important to provide proper care for your car. A car that receives timely and ample maintenance can serve you for quite a long period. In addition, a well-serviced car will help you enjoy your money’s worth since it will operate smoothly without any hitches.

Also, proper car maintenance is crucial in ensuring that you are safe on the road. From the brakes to the tires and several light features, all need to be well maintained to help the vehicle operate normally on the road, thus avoiding any accidents. This article highlights some of the car maintenance tips to help you keep your car in great shape.

Regular tyre checks

Your tyres need to be inspected now and then to ensure they are up to standard. First, check for wear and tear in your tires. If any tyre shows signs of treads wearing out, take your vehicle to the mechanic for a retreading process or purchase new tires. This will help improve your experience on the road and ensure the car does not skid when you hit the brakes.

Also, before you leave the house, make one round inspecting each tire for any abnormalities such as being pierced by a sharp object and whether the tyres have the right tire pressure. Also, take your vehicle to the mechanic for tire rotation according to the mileage indicated in your owner’s manual. You should also take advantage of any tyre offer to help you maintain quality tyres at an affordable price.

Replace the various filters in your vehicle

Filters play a key role in preventing dirt and other unwanted substances from reaching the engine and also provide clean air circulation in the vehicle. Refer to your owner’s annual to have the precise mileage you need to replace the filters in your vehicle. This way, you will prevent any damage to other parts of your vehicle, which could lead to expensive repairs.

A regular oil change

Oil helps prevent friction in the moving parts of your vehicle, such as the engine. This then makes the engine more efficient, allowing your vehicle to perform well. Also, after a while, the oil may come into contact with dirt, limiting its efficiency. Therefore, it is advisable to replace the oil regularly after a specific mileage to provide clean and efficient oil to your vehicle parts.

Always ensure to check the oil levels before you leave the house for a long trip. This will help you stay ahead of any uncertainties regarding your car’s performance during the trip. Go for quality oil products to help you maintain the quality of your engine and improve its performance as well.

Check your drive belts

Drive belts play a key role in transferring power to the various components of your car, such as the air conditioning system. Therefore, to ensure such operations run smoothly, it is important to regularly check on your drive belt for any wear and tear. In addition, worn-out drive belts cause a noise when you start your car’s engine, which will alert you that it is time for a drive belt change.

Regularly service your brakes

The brakes are some of the safety features in your car. Brake pads help your vehicle come to a stop whenever you hit the brakes. Also, the brake pads experience a great amount of friction and therefore require to be checked and serviced to ensure they are free from wear and tear. Also, ensure that you replace your brake fluid in accordance with your owner’s manual to ensure optimal performance for your vehicle.

Do not forget the spark plugs

Properly maintained spark plugs help improve your vehicle’s fuel efficiency and ensure the proper performance of the engine. Therefore, it is crucial to have the spark plugs replaced in accordance with the owner’s manual. In addition, take your vehicle to the mechanic for regular inspections of the spark plugs and the wires to ensure they are up to date and functional.

Check on the engine coolant

Engine coolant provides a favourable atmosphere for your car’s engine to operate smoothly. It protects the engine parts from freezing in adverse climatic conditions as well as prevents overheating. It is important to replace the engine coolant after several mileage as indicated in the owner’s manual to prevent corrosion of engine parts.

All these maintenance tips will help improve the performance of your car, ensure your safety on the road and save you on unnecessary repair costs down the line. Also, check on your wipers and wiper fluid before you leave for a long trip. In addition, ensure you familiarize yourself with all the light features and signals of your vehicle to help you fix the problem before it leads to a costly repair.

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