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A Quick Guide to Maintain Your Car in Summer

A Quick Guide to Maintain Your Car in SummerA Quick Guide to Maintain Your Car in Summer

The advent of summer brings with it the joy of the outdoors. After spending months near the fireplace, curled up in your blanket, you must be eager to step outside and soak in the sunshine. Better still, you could celebrate the arrival of summer by going on a long drive with your partner or enjoying a full-fledged road trip with your friends.

Whether you’re out for a picnic in the park or driving to the beach, your car plays a key role in all your summer escapades. So, it is imperative that you show your vehicle so much-needed TLC, particularly after it’s endured the wrath of the freezing winter months.

Between the blizzards and sub-zero temperatures, the harsh winter months can take a toll on your car. On the other hand, hot winds, strong sunlight, and dust during summer can adversely affect its condition as well.

Whether you use your car to run errands or go on long holidays during summer, you must follow the right steps to take care of it. In this blog, we’ve curated a handy summer car maintenance checklist to help you get started. Let’s take a look.

Start with the Basics

Has your car been sitting in the garage for most of the winter? Then it’s a good idea to get your car inspected and serviced before you hit the road during summer. It’s essential because the extreme weather conditions might have affected the engine and battery, or interfered with various fluid levels.

Unless you’ve got the technical know-how of the inner workings of automobiles, it’s wiser to consult a professional car repair service. Click here to find out how a skilled and experienced car repair service helps maintain your car in prime condition.

Alternatively, you could take your car to an authorized service station. Make sure they check various components of your vehicle, particularly the battery and brakes. Watch out for any signs of friction or noise when you use the brakes while driving your car. Also, keep an eye out for corrosion or leakage in the battery.

Next, ask the mechanic to check the wiper fluid, transmission fluid, coolant, and brake oil. It’s also a good idea to get the engine filters and air filters cleaned. If your car is due for a scheduled service, get it done before hitting the road during summer. Alternatively, you could clean your car by yourself to remove any traces of winter debris and dust.

Inspect the AC

The last thing you want is to embark on a long road trip at the peak of summer, only to realize that your car’s air conditioning isn’t working. This is particularly crucial considering that you haven’t used the AC throughout the winter months. All those months of sitting idle could have damaged the internal wiring or depleted the refrigerant.

Most often, topping up the refrigerant would do the trick. But it’s best to let an experienced technician take a look at the system to diagnose and repair any potential problems. If you intend to tackle the problem by yourself, don’t forget to wear protective glasses and gloves for your safety.

Check the Wipers

Rain, snow, and hail from the winter months often result in the accumulation of debris around your car’s windshield wipers. Also, heatwaves at the peak of summer can make the wiper blades dry and brittle.

While you may not need to use the wiper blades as often during summer, it’s wiser to ensure that they’re working properly. Check the blades for any signs of breakage and get them replaced by an authorized repair center. Also, make sure you regularly clean them to prevent the accumulation of dust and pollen.

Don’t Forget the Tires

Depending on how severe the winter in your location, you might have switched to snow tires. Needless to say, you need to get those snow tires replaced with regular or all-terrain tires before you start driving your car during summer. Otherwise, it could affect your vehicle’s performance and even result in an accident.

While you’re at it, make sure you get the tire pressure and alignment checked. As a ground rule, it’s a good idea to get your tires rotated and re-aligned after every 5,000 miles you drive. Also, don’t forget to check the spare tire and ensure that it’s in top shape.

Whether you’re an adventure enthusiast or just enjoy driving to the countryside during summer, it’s always a joy to have a top-performing car at your disposal. However, your vehicle will need some cleaning and repair before it’s ready to beat the heat after withstanding the freezing winter months.

Apart from the aforementioned tips, make sure you park your car under a shade or use a car cover to prevent the paint from chipping and fading.

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