Home Blog Car Gadgets 7 Signs Your Brake Pads Need to Be Replaced

7 Signs Your Brake Pads Need to Be Replaced

Brake Pads

moving. When brake pads go bad, you may not be able to stop your vehicle. This puts you at risk of being involved in one of the six million car accidents that happen each year in the United States.

Are you concerned that you need new brake pads? Continue reading to find out seven signs that you need to look at replacing your brake pads immediately.

1. Indicator Light Illuminates

Most modern vehicles will have an indicator light to notify you when your brake pads have become too worn. Unfortunately, older models are not as well equipped but there are plenty of other signs to be on the lookout for. If you see this light on your dash, it’s time to get them replaced as soon as possible.

2. Squeaking or Squealing Sound

This is typically the first sign that your brake pads are going bad. Take note of it the sound occurs when you press on the brake pedal. Some weather conditions may cause this but if it is persistent, you should have it checked out.

3. Grinding Metal Sound

A grinding sound could indicate that your brake pads have completely worn out. In some pads, metal ridges have been installed to notify that they are too worn. Regardless, a metal grinding sound needs to be addressed quickly to avoid any further damage.

4. Longer Brake Distance

Metal against metal does not create enough friction to stop your car like the material that brake pads are made of. If it is taking you longer to stop your vehicle, it may be a sign that your brake pads need to be replaced.

5. Scratches on Brake or Rotor

Although it may be difficult to spot, take a look at your brake rotor. Scratches on this part show that it has been exposed to metal. This can be an extensive and costly repair if not dealt with quickly.

6. Vibrating Brake Pedal

When pressing down on the brake pedal, you should have a fairly smooth feeling. A vibrating brake pedal indicates that your pad has worn out. You can visit Sport Compact Warehouse to provide you with new car parts such as brake pads or rotors.

7. Pads Less Than 3mm Thick

During your regular vehicle maintenance, your auto technician should check the thickness of your brake pads. It is one of the most common vehicle parts to go bad due to constant use. The minimum thickness should be 3mm.

Brake Pads Protect You and Others

Brake pads are an essential part of your car and are there to protect you and others on the road. You need to ensure that they are in good shape to drive safely. If you notice any of these signs, it’s time to have your brake pads checked before it’s too late.

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