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7 Tips For Driving Your Vehicle Safely

7 Steps You Should Do After A Car Accident

Safe driving will always be your main priority, whether you’re alone or with passengers. Since there are more distractions nowadays, it’s important to know the fundamentals of safe driving and practice them whenever you’re on the road.

Vehicular accidents, which can lead to grave consequences, are often caused by texting while on the road, speeding, fatigue, weather changes, and drunk, reckless, or aggressive driving. If you’re ever the victim of a road accident, the first thing you should do is call a lawyer who can represent you and fight for your legal rights. To find the right lawyer, you can search for websites like https://banvillelaw.com/car-accidents/ to get in touch with a legal expert.

That said, here are 10 tips for driving your vehicle safely to avoid road accidents:

1. Focus on the Road

When you’re driving, you are not supposed to be looking at anything other than the road. Don’t let the goings on inside your car distract you. Moreover, a vehicle is not a place to multitask so avoid doing other things like combing your hair or texting while driving. Not solely focusing on driving can put you, your passengers, other drivers, and pedestrians at risk of getting into accident since you won’t be able to respond on time when a person or vehicle suddenly comes up in any direction.

2. Never Drink and Drive

Everyone knows that you should never drink and drive. Aside from paying a big fine, you might end up going to prison if you get caught by the authorities. In addition to legal repercussions, you might not be as alert and responsive when you’re drunk. Alcohol, as well as drugs, can influence your decisions, and your response times can be reduced significantly if you’re not sober.

3. Don’t Text and Drive

Just like drinking and driving, it’s a cardinal rule never to text while you’re behind the wheel. If you must respond to a message or place a call, pull over in a safe and well-lit place. Only after you’ve completed your message or phone conversation can you continue on your way.

4. Look Out for Red Light Runners

When at an intersection, count to three before entering to avoid red light runners, or vehicles that enter the intersection during the yellow light. Look both ways before crossing, and be sure nobody is pursuing you.

In addition, always be vigilant when sharing the lane with semis. Truck drivers also have a huge blind spot on their right-hand side, so pay particular attention when driving next to an 18-wheeler. Chances are, if you can’t see the truck driver’s mirrors, they can’t see you either.

5. Be Patient

Many accidents on the road are caused by frustrated drivers who are in a hurry and resort to speeding. While they may have appointments to catch, safety should still be paramount in order to avoid accidents. Exercise patience and stay below the prescribed speed limit.

In addition, leave a distance of up to three seconds between your vehicle and the one in front of you as tail-gaiting is also a major cause of injuries and vehicular accidents.

6. Adjust Your Car Appropriately

To drive effectively, make sure that you adjust all the mirrors and seats before putting the keys in. Check if both the side mirrors and rearview mirrors are positioned in such a way that blind spots are minimized. Also adjust the driver’s seat so not only will you drive comfortably, but you also have a good view of the road and your entire vehicle.

7. Hold the Steering Wheel with Both Hands

Holding the steering wheel with both hands will allow you to respond much more quickly in case of emergencies. This can help control your vehicle better, as effective driving means balancing your steering wheel to avoid reversals and sudden movements.

It’s important to keep your hands in the right position by placing them on the outside of the steering wheel on opposite sides. With a firm and gentle grip, keep your thumbs on the face of the steering wheel, and it’s best to use your fingers instead of your palms when gripping it.


Always be aware of your surroundings when driving to avoid getting into an accident. Exercise safety by focusing on the road, neither texting and driving nor drinking and driving, being patient, being careful of red light runners, adjusting your car appropriately, and holding the steering wheel with both hands. These are but a few safety practices that you can do while driving, which can keep you, your passengers, pedestrians, and other drivers alike unharmed on the road.

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