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9 Ceramic Car Coating Myths Debunked

9 Ceramic Car Coating Myths Debunked

Ceramic coating is a crucial part of car detailing. It is affordable, protects your car’s paint, is durable, repels mud and dirt, and gives your vehicle an attractive appearance. However, various myths and misconceptions surrounding ceramic car coating could deter you from installing this fantastic upgrade. The following are nine myths about ceramic coating debunked.

1. Ceramic coatings do not scratch

One way most dealers entice customers is by convincing them that ceramic coating is scratch-resistant. Some even go ahead to advertise the scratch-resistant ability of the coating by using car keys or tiny objects to scratch ceramic-coated surfaces.

Ceramic coatings are thin, so they can only stand minor scratches. This means that if your car experiences heavy impacts, especially from rocks and pebbles, it will scratch. The good thing is that you can always reapply the coating to give your vehicle the same pristine look it originally had.

2. Ceramic coating is resistant to chemical damage

Ceramic coatings are characterized by the excellent hardness that can protect your car’s paint. However, chemicals such as tar removers, degreasers, and chemicals in alcohol content can cause severe damage to ceramic coating. While these chemicals will not cause harm to the coating upon contact, when left to linger, they penetrate the surface, clogging the pores. Using the wrong vehicle shampoo could also make the surface appear hazy. This is because the wrong shampoo makes the ceramic coating lose its water-repelling abilities.

3. Ceramic coatings are permanent

A ceramic coating forms a strong molecular bond with your car’s surface creating a hard shell. This allows the layer to last for many years. However, since the ceramic coating comes with a warranty ranging from months to years, many people assume that the layer is permanent.

The ceramic coating keeps you from spending a lot of time and money waxing the car, but this does not mean that the layer will last forever, so you should not neglect regular maintenance. When using the vehicle, salt, the sun, dirt, and various environmental conditions could damage your car, so you have to reapply the ceramic coating every two to three years.

While a ceramic coating is not a permanent solution, you are guaranteed long-term protection. If your car is exposed to any chemicals, consider using high-quality shampoo, wash mitt, and hand washing the coating to clean and remove the chemicals.

4. Ceramic coatings do not require maintenance

Applying ceramic coating does not give you leeway to stop maintaining your car. Ceramic coats create a hydrophobic effect on your vehicle, allowing accumulated water on the vehicle’s surface to form beads and roll of the car. As the water rolls off, it may collect dirt and debris from the car’s surface.

However, some of this debris may eventually stick on the coating, making it harder to wash off, which is why you should consider regular cleaning. While the ceramic coating does not eliminate the need to regularly clean and maintain the car, it makes the process faster and easier.

5. You can delve right into applying ceramic coating on a brand new vehicle

Ceramic coating adds a new layer of protection to your car, improves its appearance, and makes it look newer for longer. This triggers new car owners to go for ceramic coating applications immediately after they purchase their vehicles. However, you cannot skip straight into ceramic coating application on a new car.

New cars may have invisible contaminants such as dust. They may also have sanding marks or require repairs to damage caused as the vehicle leaves the manufacturing site, so you should consider preparing your vehicle before installing the ceramic coating. Hire a professional to have your car clean and repair damages. If you fail to prep your brand new vehicle before applying the ceramic coating, you have to strip the car and start the installation process all over again.

6. Ceramic coatings provide better gloss than wax or sealant

Ceramic coatings do not add a lot of shine to your car. The primary goal of the coating is to enhance and protect your car’s surface. This means that any blemishes, including scratches, haze contaminants, and swirl marks, will be trapped underneath the car’s exterior, making the car less shiny. You should prep your car before installing ceramic coating to improve the way light bounces on your vehicle, giving it a glossy appearance.

7. Ceramic coating will make your car fireproof

The myth that applying a ceramic coating to your vehicle will make it fireproof originated from a group behind the Tide pod challenge. The video highlighted a man pouring lighter fluid over a car with freshly applied ceramic coating.

Coatings that contain 9H are excellent at protecting your car from damage caused by UV rays or heat exposure. These layers can stand a maximum heat exposure of up to  440° Fahrenheit. However, they do not create a forcefield that can protect your car against fires or bullets.

8. Ceramic coated cars do not require vehicle shampoo

Ceramic-coated vehicles are vulnerable to dirt, dust, and debris. While cleaning a car with ceramic coatings is quick and easy, removing stubborn and stick debris can be difficult. Invest in a quality vehicle shampoo to get rid of tough stains on your ceramic layer while protecting the coating from damage and ensuring the hydrophobic features continue to function

9. You do not need a professional to apply ceramic coatings

Applying a ceramic coating to your car is pretty easy. You do not need specialized tools, intense scrubbing, and blending of formulae. All you need is a straightforward application and wipe-away method. However, this can be time-consuming, especially when you have to include buffing, washing, and claying the vehicle to make it ready for coating application. You should consider hiring a professional for an effective, durable, and professional-grade installation.


Ceramic coating provides an effective way to protect your car from damage. It also helps you reduce your car’s repair and maintenance costs significantly. Familiarize yourself with the above myths about ceramic coating and debunk them to give your vehicle an upgrade. Be sure to choose a high-quality coating and hire an experienced contractor to have a ceramic layer installed.





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