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Debunking the Most Common Car Tire Myths That Exist Today

Debunking the Most Common Car Tire Myths That Exist Today

Each year, just over 600 tire-related motor vehicle accidents occur. Many of these accidents could have been avoided if car owners had taken better care of their vehicle’s tires. Unfortunately, while some people are simply neglectful, others are following widespread myths.

Protect yourself and take better care of your tires by debunking some of the most widespread tire myths.

All-Season Tires Work as Well as Summer and Winter Tires

This is absolutely false. All-season tires are the jack-of-all-trade tires, making them good enough in most driving conditions but never the top-performing tire. There are several types of tires, and those with specialty uses will perform better than a general tire.

Summer tires will have more traction and better handling in hot weather or heavy rain. Winter tires perform better in cold winter weather, ice, and snow.

Tire Life Lasts as Long as the Tread

The useful life of your tire ends long before the tread completely wears out. You’ll go through several sets of tires throughout your vehicle ownership. You should never drive on tires until they are perfectly smooth.

New tires typically have a tread depth of 10/32” or 11/32”. Experts recommend replacing your tires when the tread wears down to a depth of 2/32”. The shallower the depth becomes, the less grip and traction you’ll have.

Budget Brands Are as Good as Name Brands

When it comes to the automotive industry, you get what you pay for. There are name-brand tires, like the kind you find at Ozzytyres.com.au, that may cost a bit more but are high quality. Then there are lesser-known budget brands.

These budget tires will meet the basic safety requirements imposed by industry standards. With a bit of research, you’ll discover that the leading tire manufacturers have their top-of-the-line, mid-range, and budget brands. As you move up in quality, the tires will have more features and innovative developments.

The Maximum Pressure Is the Ideal Inflation Pressure

The maximum tire pressure is just that, the maximum safe PSI for that specific tire. However, this is only half of the equation. You also need to check your manufacturer’s recommended tire pressure. One tire could be suitable for many types of cars, but they could all require a different ideal tire pressure.

The same applies to different types of trucks. You’ll need to consider how you’ll plan to use your truck. For example, you’ll need one tire pressure if you drive mainly on the road and another when you drive off-road.

Your Tire Myths Are Busted

Now that you know the truth about many common tire myths, you can take better care of your tires. Always stick with one well-known brand that has a reputation for quality. Choose a tire type that’s ideal for your driving conditions, fill them with the correct pressure, and replace them when the tire tread wears down to 2/32″ depth.

Check out our other car-related articles for more insightful and helpful information about your car, truck, SUV, or van.


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