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How Do Most Georgia Car Accidents happen?

How Do Most Georgia Car Accidents happen

More than 340,000 traffic accidents take place in Georgia every year. If you or your loved one has been injured in a car accident in Georgia, you need to know who you can immediately turn to for help. But you also need to know what might have caused the accident, if there were any mitigating circumstances, and if you have the right to pursue compensation for the damages and injuries.

It’s important to know your rights regarding Georgia car accidents, but you also should know how most Georgia car accidents happen. The most common causes involve distracted driving, driving while intoxicated, speeding, etc. Here’s a quick rundown of what causes crashes in Georgia and what you can do if you’re involved in one of those crashes.

Following Too Closely

According to Georgia law (Georgia Code 40-6-49), the driver of a vehicle cannot follow more closely to another vehicle than what is considered “reasonable and prudent.” It can lead to an accident when the flow of traffic changes, speeding up or slowing down.

Distracted Driving

In Georgia, there are 3,477 fatalities related to distracted driving. The most common reason for distracted driving is cell phone use, but that can involve texting, checking social media, emailing, checking directions, or interacting with other digital devices.

Driver Lost Control of Vehicle

A driver could lose control of a vehicle due to health problems or distraction, but it could simply be a matter of falling asleep at the wheel.

Failure to Yield / Improper Lane Change

Lane-change accidents can be debated by insurance companies, with claims that the damages are minimal due to the type of accident it is. You might be able to prove negligence based on whether the other driver checked the lane or signaled prior to changing lane.

Driving While Intoxicated

Some 25% of fatalities from car accidents involve some form of impairment from alcohol and/or drugs, which works out to a death of an impaired driver every 50 minutes. Some 290,000 people are injured in drunk-driving related accidents.

Unsafe or illegal speed

Speeding accounts for 1/6th of Georgia car accidents, but the chances of a fatality or injury are greater when the speed increases. It’s one of the biggest problems on the road.

Object or Animal in Roadway

If the driver failed to properly tie down items to their vehicle or if a person was somehow responsible for an object in the road, you might have a case for holding the person responsible for your damages and injury. Similarly, if the owner of an animal is not adequately restraining the dog or cat, you might be able to claim that he/she is personally responsible.

Weather Conditions

Bad weather could involve heavy rain, hail, snow, ice, or even fog. It could also be debris in the roadway that obstructs your path. While weather may have been a factor in the accident, the other driver is still required to drive carefully, taking the conditions into account. So, if the other driver is not proceeding in a safe manner, you might have a case for your personal injury case.

Dangerous Road

With seven million people travelling on George roadways, accidents are bound to happen. But 427 fatal accidents take place on 57 stretches of highway.  Always be aware of the road conditions around you, but also take precautions to avoid road hazards and reduce your speed in dangerous sections of the highway.

Next Step: Schedule Your Consult with Mann Law Firm

At Mann Law Firm, we’ve been your Macon car accident lawyer for more than 50 years. That means that we’re experienced, knowledgeable, and we’re here to stay. We’ve already helped thousands of Georgians get the compensation they deserved, and we’re eager to put our experts on your case right away.

We know that you’re already dealing with the pain and suffering from the incident, as well as the trauma and injuries. That’s why we take an all-in approach, with our investigation of the accident scene, our interviews with the witnesses and first responders, our negotiation with the insurance companies, our paperwork, and our examination of all your medical records and reports. We build an air-tight case on your behalf and help you explore your legal options.

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