Home Blog Legal How To Handle a Lyft Accident as a Passenger

How To Handle a Lyft Accident as a Passenger

How To Handle a Lyft Accident as a Passenger

Rideshare services are quite popular as a way to get around without spending a lot of money or having to navigate the public transportation system. They are especially popular with people who want to avoid driving after drinking, but people from all walks of life use them.

When an accident occurs, it can be confusing if you are using rideshare services, such as Lyft, at the time. You may not know what steps you should take, which could cause you issues when it comes time to hold someone responsible for any injuries you obtained in the accident.

The Aftermath

Right after an accident in a Lyft, you may be confused. Since you weren’t driving, the accident may be a complete surprise. Typically, you are driving and may have some warning that an accident is about to happen. In this situation, you are just a passenger. You also are likely riding in the backseat, which puts you at an even greater disadvantage when trying to figure out what happened.

As with any accident, though, it is important that you start gathering information and make sure that you document what happened from your viewpoint. This information will be helpful later when you make a claim.

Lyft’s Advice

According to Lyft, after an accident, you should call 911, if there are any injuries. Then, the platform suggests contacting its Claims Customer Care team, which will then walk you through the reporting process. While you will need to contact Lyft because the company may hold some liability in the accident, you might want to wait to do this until you seek the advice of an attorney.

Who Is Liable?

The main thing you will need to figure out is who is liable for your injuries. Lyft does have liability coverage for your injuries. However, you will first need to see what coverage the driver has or the other person who was at fault. Lyft’s insurance will only pay for expenses that go beyond what the at-fault party’s insurance pays.

Regardless of whether it is your driver or a driver of another vehicle who is at fault in the accident, you will have coverage from Lyft for your expenses related to the accident. That is why it is important that you seek legal assistance before talking with Lyft. You do not want to say something that could result in Lyft’s insurer denying your claim.

Taking Lyft to Court

If Lyft refuses to pay your claim, it can be difficult to sue them for damages. The company has worked hard to protect itself from such claims by classifying drivers as independent contractors. This classification shields the company from claims. You will need to mount a solid case that proves with evidence that Lyft is liable. If you cannot do that, you likely will not win your case.  

Rideshare With Care

You should make sure that before you use a rideshare company that you understand how liability will work in the event of an accident. If you are in a crash, make sure to collect information and seek legal help as soon as possible.

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