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What To Look For In A Bull Bar


Some vehicle owners buy a bull bar purely for aesthetics, but for others, it’s protection from possible animal strikes. It’s also an excellent car accessory to mount light bars, spotlights, and antennas. With such uses, there’s no doubt why a bull bar is a great investment for your vehicle.

However, not all bull bars are the same. While other car owners may prefer a particular style, you may want to buy unique bull bars for your ute that has a unique style. For this reason, it’s crucial to take the selection process seriously.

With the different bull bars available in the market, it can be tempting to focus more on aesthetics over functionality. But there are other things you should look for in a bull bar, and these include the following:

1. Style

The available styles of bull bars widely vary from one brand to another. They depend on the vehicle’s model too. Nevertheless, there’s a general guide on bull bar styles, and they’re as follows:

  • Triple Hoop: This type of bull bar weighs the most, but it offers maximum protection. It’s an excellent choice when you’re traveling in animal strike-prone zones.
  • Single Hoop: Single hoop bull bars have a single hoop over the car’s radiator attached to the bumper. Unlike other styles, they offer a good compromise between weight and front-end protection.
  • Bumper Bar: It offers the most basic front-end protection and better safety features.

Even if most bull bars look the same, they have subtle differences. Before you install a bull bar for your car, prioritize your needs and choose the style that’d benefit you most.

2. Weight 

A bull bar ranges from lightweight to heavy-duty. Typically, a full-sized bull bar weighs from 25 kg to 80 kg, depending on the overall design, materials used, and thickness.

When shopping around for a bull bar, be sure to check its weight. While a heavy bull bar offers more protection, the added weight may affect your vehicle’s axle capacity and fuel consumption. You should know how much your vehicle can handle to know the right bull bar weight for your needs.

3. Mounting Extra Accessories

Mounting Extra Accessories

If you wish to mount additional accessories to your bull bar, look for a unit with more mounting options. For example, if you want to mount a winch, it must be winch compatible. Other bull bars are equipped with a winch, especially the ones made from steel.

In addition, if you like to fit light bars, antennas, and driving lights, you need to ensure there’s more room for fitting such items. Many bull bars come with tabs to mount antennas and holes to mount extra lights.

4. Price

While quality is more important than price, it doesn’t mean you should take it for granted. If you want to get the most out of your investment, you must look for a bull bar that’s not too expensive or cheap.

Remember that you get what you pay for. When you settle with cheaper models, don’t expect them to have the quality as more expensive models do. If possible, choose a bull bar made from high-quality materials and available for a reasonable price tag.

5. Material

Bull bars are often made using aluminum, plastic, and steel. A plastic bull bar is the lightest but the weakest. However, it can return to its original shape in case of collisions. It’s also corrosion-resistant, making it a perfect choice when driving in urban areas.

On the other hand, steel bull bars are known for their quality and durability. They last longer, and most brands offering these models offer a lifetime guarantee. But the only downside of steel bull bars is their weight. They can be too heavy, but they’re ideal for people who enjoy hardcore off-road adventures.

Compared to plastic and steel bull bars, aluminum bull bars are more popular for those who don’t partake in hardcore off-road activities. Since they’re lightweight, they can let you save on fuel. Also, they can be resistant to the elements.

6. Compatibility

Another thing to look for in a bull bar is its compatibility. You need to ensure that the model you prefer fits your vehicle. Therefore, check the dimensions and possible modifications needed to install the bull bar. For example, if you’re driving a ute or any sport utility vehicle (SUV), look for bull bars designed for your vehicle.

Once you buy a bull bar compatible with your car, you won’t encounter any issues during installation. Plus, you don’t need to worry about necessary modifications should your preferred bull bar doesn’t fit well with your vehicle.


Although choosing a bull bar is confusing when surrounded by many options, remember that there’s always one unit suitable for your needs. As long as you know what you’re searching for and things to look for, you won’t experience a tough time buying a bull bar for your vehicle.


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