How to get better at driving


Becoming a legal driver means that you take more responsibility not only for your life but the others’ on the road. Therefore, driving safely and driving well is so important. First of all, you must obey all of the traffic laws and understand the traffic signs. Besides, you also need to learn more driving practices to improve your driving skill as well as operate a vehicle safely on the road.

Below is a list of useful tips that I believe it will help you get better at driving.

Follow traffic light signals.

Have you ever gone through a red light? If the answer is yes, you had better stop doing it. It is so dangerous because other drivers on the road assume that you will stop. Besides, many drivers want to speed up when the traffic light is yellow, which is relatively risky.

Travel when the light turns green, slow down when it turns yellow, and stop completely when the traffic light is red. Follow these simple steps, you will protect yourself and other people on the road.

Increase the gap between two cars 

Tailgating means that you are driving closely behind another car, which brings many drawbacks. I believe you will give up this bad habit once you know what they are.

  • Tailgating heightens the likelihood of motor vehicle crashes because of the less the gap between two cars, the less the time that you react and brake is.
  • Tailgating makes you constantly use your accelerator and brake, which increases your car’s fuel consumption. As a result, this costs you more.
  • You can’t look further ahead because the car in front will limit your visibility.
  • Your brake lights flickering on and off. This leads to other’s annoyance.

Controlling your speed

You may not drive over the speed limit; however, your speed is not appropriate for the conditions on the road. For example, if the weather is harsh (heavy rain, snow, fog) or the vehicle density is high, you had better slow down because the average speed is too fast in these circumstances. In addition, a driver had better learn the road signs so that they can opt for the most suitable speed on the road in front.

Not swerving between lanes

In fact, many drivers often cross into another lane constantly during rush hours. The lanes almost always move at very nearly the same speed, but traffic jams often happen because traffic participants tend to swerve between lanes. You have to know that once you cross into another lane, other drivers behind you will have to brake and slow down. As a result, many other vehicles will do the same and form a traffic jam. If all drivers are more patient and responsible, vehicles on the road will flow quickly.

Adjust your mirrors properly

Check your mirrors and let see whether any part of your vehicle appears in it. Is the answer is yes, you are creating an unnecessary blind spot, which blocks your vision when driving? It is best that you can only see your car in the mirror when you turn your head and tilt your head. Moreover, you also need to adjust the rearview mirror so that the rear window is centered.

Updating new knowledge

Rules change, we forget things, and we pick up bad habits. In reality, many drivers face forgetting knowledge (for example, understand the traffic signs) after you pass the driving theory test. As a result, changing the driving route can make you confused and you can’t follow the guidelines of the road signs. Therefore, try your best to acquire and remain the latest road rules.

Never drive sleepy on the road

When it comes to vehicle accidents, we can’t skip one of the leading causes of auto crashes. It is fatigue. Studies claim that sleeplessness will reduce your focus as well as delay your reactions. Many motor vehicle crashes happen because the driver falls to sleep at the wheel. Fatigue causes so many accidents. Therefore, don’t stay up late, particularly when you are going to leave for a long trip. Or at least, if you feel sleepy, pull over and stop a car for a while before continuing a trip.

Get rid of things that make you distracted

One of the number one causes of auto crashes is using cell phones such as answering a phone, texting, checking email. To some people, keeping the eyes on the road, not on the phone is relatively difficult. Here are some useful tips helping you more concentrating when driving

  • Put your phone on silent/ vibrate mode
  • Even turn your phone off when driving
  • Pull over and stop a car to use your cell phone if the issue is important
  • Use the app monitoring your driving behavior.

One of the leading causes of teen death is for motor car crashes. While teenagers have enough ability to acquire and retain new information quickly to learn how to drive, they have trouble concentrating on the road. Teenagers are often distracted by using the phone or interacting with passengers. Because they are new and inexperienced drivers, the time reaction is relatively slow compared to older drivers. As a result, the likelihood of motor vehicle accidents increase once teenagers have these distracting activities.

Update some statistics about car accidents throughout the years so that you can be aware of driving carefully

Hold the steering wheel properly

You’ll have the most control if your hands are just below the 10-to-2 position, and closer to the quarter-to-three position, and don’t wrap your thumbs around the wheel.

Be smooth with all your driving inputs

Next time you operate a car, require your passengers to monitor your brake and accelerator usage. It had better stay in a comparatively constant position if a driver is not internationally speeding up or slowing down. If you recognize the accelerator is often “pumping”, which means you are driving close to the car in front.

If you have any questions, please feel free to let us know.

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