Don’t Fall For These Car Safety Myths


When you’re driving, the most important thing isn’t getting to your destination on time or getting your favorite space in the parking lot, it’s actually your personal safety and the safety of your passengers.

Sadly, when it comes to car safety, many of us rely on old myths and misinformation to keep ourselves safe. What may have once been safe is probably out of date and myths about seatbelts and airbags that your older brother told you when you were kids probably aren’t true either…

No one wants to end up in a car accident but unfortunately they do happen – click the link to find a car accident lawyer in your area if you’ve been in a collision that could have been avoided. It’s vital that you recognize what safety statements are considered myths and which ones are true.

Read on to find out more…

You’re an amazing driver

Whether you’ve just passed your test, or you’ve been driving without fault for several years, it’s been proven that most road accidents occur due to driver error. And if you’re an overconfident driver, then you’re more likely to find yourself in an accident.

What many drivers fail to understand is that the majority of car accidents happen within a short distance of home, which means they’re overconfident and more prone to taking risks. Road conditions, the weather and distracted driving are also factors that most drivers fail to consider.

Using a hands-free device is the best option

It’s illegal to use your phone whilst driving. So, if you’re someone who is always taking phone calls or drives long-distance, pulling over every time you need to take or make a call can seem counterproductive. Using a handsfree device seems like the best option; it allows you to keep your hands on the wheel and still use your phone.

However, using a Bluetooth or hands-free device can still contribute to distracted driving. If you’re busy talking away to someone on your headset (or even a passenger for that matter), you’re not giving the road ahead your full attention.

Keeping your hands at ten and two is best

Depending on when you learned to drive, you may have been taught to place your hands on the wheel in the “ten and two” (clock) position. This basic driving tip has since been outdated and these days drivers are recommended to position their hands much lower down the steering wheel at either three and nine, or eight and four. This is due to airbag deployment. If an airbag deploys at speed and your hands are in the way, your hands could be seriously damaged due to the impact.

If you have airbags you don’t need to wear a seatbelt in the back

If you have passengers in the backseat, then they need to wear a seatbelt. Even if you have airbags. Seatbelts work in conjunction with airbags, as they keep passengers and the driver in position for the airbag deployment. They also prevent us from being ejected from the vehicle, and they reduce the likelihood of catastrophic injuries.

In conclusion

By keeping your driving knowledge up to date, you can keep yourself and your passengers safe on the road. If you do find yourself caught up in a crash, speak with a personal injury lawyer now.

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