7 Tips on Hosting Video Gaming Parties for Beginners


Are you thinking about planning a video gaming party?

If you do it right, you’ll go down in history as the greatest video game party host ever. By supplying phenomenal food and drinks, awarding prizes, and fun games, your party will stand out and wow your friends.

Continue reading to learn the best tips on throwing amazing video gaming parties.

1. Have Food and Drinks Ready

When it comes to playing video games with friends, food and drinks are super important. Nothing fuels and bonds people like delicious snacks and beverages.

Gather a few different types of snacks that you enjoy and several that you think your friends will like. If you’re feeling creative, give an electronic poll in a group chat to see what kind of food your friends like to eat while they game.

Do the same with drinks–starting with water. Some other great drinks are sports drinks, sodas, and unique options like slushies and shakes.

Along with deciding what to serve, make sure you stock up on enough of each item. You don’t want to run out of food if you’re planning on staying up all night gaming in your home gaming setup.

Provide extra amenities like paper plates and plastic utensils, as well as permanent markers to write names on plastic beverage cups.

A great crowd-pleaser is to have your drinks layered in a bucket of ice to keep them freezing cold and several drink koozies to keep your guests’ hands dry.  Be sure to check out 메이저놀이터 as well.

Parties are complete with food and drinks. Delight your friends with delicious snacks.

2. Provide As Much Seating As Possible

A no-brainer when it comes to hosting gaming parties is that you’ll need as many seats in the room as possible. You and your friends will want to be comfortable and cozy all night in your own respective seats.

Depending on where you’re gaming, you might need to move furniture around to accommodate multiple seats. If you have more than one couch, use those to set a base for the room. Perhaps those will be the front row to whoever’s gaming at the moment.

Find other chairs to place throughout the room, like dining room chairs, beanbag chairs, desk chairs, ottomans, and folding chairs.

If you need more seating, you can always DIY with mattresses and pillows on the floor, which is just as comfortable as a couch.

Make sure you have more than enough seating to accommodate your friends. If you can, try leaving a patch of the floor open so that you can move around if needed.

3. Stock up on Controllers

Going to a video gaming party means that you’re expecting to game, right? When playing fun multiplayer games, it’s a bummer not to have enough working controllers.

Making sure all of your controllers are working correctly and buying extra controllers will ensure a smooth gaming night. You don’t want to have controller batteries dying or not enough controllers to allow everyone to play.

If you can, invest in used controllers that work with your console or buy more from your nearest electronics store. If you can’t get together with friends, consider joining a gaming community like f95zone if you like playing games with others.

4. Give Multiple Game Options

Chances are that your friends have different tastes in video games. Perhaps several love dancing games and others love warzone games.

If you have access to several different genres of video games, provide the options at your party. To choose between games, have your friends take a poll, compete, or randomly select a new video game every 1 or 2 hours.

Keep your friends satisfied and active by allowing them to choose what they want to play. Aim for lots of multiplayer options in various types of online gaming.

5. Switch It up Often

Boredom is an enemy of fun parties–it can slow down the overall mood. Be proactive and set some ground rules when playing video games at your party.

These rules could include things like setting a timer for a certain amount of time for playing a video game before moving on to another one, stopping for designated bathroom and snack breaks, and keeping the conversation going.

You can also play other games that don’t involve video games to keep it lively. Perhaps you have several retro handheld games or a cool deck of cards.

Take advantage of different interests and experiment with what games you have.

6. Award With Prizes

One way to keep it super interesting is to get prizes involved. Set up some championships for certain video games and have your friends compete for fun, gag-gift prizes.

Get several different desirable prizes for several rounds of championships. Stick to relatively cheap, goofy prizes, as expensive or amazing prizes can be cause for unhealthy competition.

Buy prizes that are different but are around the same amount of monetary value. You don’t want to offer a $45 pair of headphones and a $3 bottle of silly string in one party, as the imbalance is unfair to the competitors.

Mix up the competition at your party by offering fun prizes. Your party will be easily remembered by your guests afterward for how fun it was.

7. Keep It Lighthearted

When offering competition while playing at video gaming parties, you’ll need to make sure that it doesn’t get out of hand.

It’s easy to lose your temper or get too competitive while playing multiplayer games, especially with excitement and banter going on. Remind your guests that everything is all in good fun and that there will be no tolerance for fighting or playing unfairly.

Maintain a good attitude throughout your party and your guests will do the same–especially when everyone is on the same page and having fun.

Aim to take breaks during the night so that you can catch up on food and interaction in between games. This will help you all keep a good mood and healthy fun while gaming.

Hosting Fun Video Gaming Parties

When you plan your video gaming party, use all of these tips to guarantee a successful time. Your friends will be impressed and entertained and you’ll be known as a great host.

If you enjoyed this article about throwing video gaming parties, make sure to read more content from our blog.

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