5 Things That Everyone Should Keep In Their Car


In today’s world, we are all constantly on the go. Whether you’re a frantic college student or a busy mom, sometimes it feels like we live out of our vehicles.

But that’s never a good feeling. We love our cars to be clean, organized, and de-cluttered. When stuff starts stacking up in the side pockets and glove compartments, you know it’s time to give your vehicle some love and clear it out.

However, that doesn’t mean your vehicle should be empty. Here are five essentials you’re allowed to keep in your car. These convenient items are essential for on-the-go people that also don’t take up much space.

In today’s world, we are all constantly on the go. Whether you’re a frantic college student or a busy mom, sometimes it feels like we live out of our vehicles.

But that’s never a good feeling. We love our cars to be clean, organized, and de-cluttered. When stuff starts stacking up in the side pockets and glove compartments, you know it’s time to give your vehicle some love and clear it out.

However, that doesn’t mean your vehicle should be empty. Here are five essentials you’re allowed to keep in your car. These convenient items are essential for on-the-go people that also don’t take up much space.

1. Pepper Spray

You can never be too safe. Pepper spray is the perfect self-defense weapon that everyone should keep in their car. It’s small, portable, and allowed on school and hospital grounds.

Pepper sprays come in various sizes, shapes and colors. They’re a great tool for everyone, but they’re handy gifts for truckers, commuters, and college students alike.

2. Trash Collector

When going through a drive-thru, it is easy to get a straw wrapper and throw it on the ground as you put your straw into your drink. It may even seem harmless. But over time, the wrappers build up, and you will eventually find your car floor littered with remnants of drive-thrus.

To avoid this, invest in trash bags that are specially made for cars and that can hang off of the back of your driver or passenger seat. If you do not want to invest in a trash bag, then simply take an old plastic bag and tie the handles around the headrest of the passenger/driver’s seat to store stray wrappers.

3. Hand Sanitizer

To keep germs away, have some hand sanitizer in your car at all times. Gas pumps are extremely dirty and can lead to harmful bacteria getting on your hands and body.

The best way to avoid this is to use hand sanitizer immediately after entering your car and then waiting 30 seconds for the hand sanitizer to work.

4. Money

We have all gone to Starbucks or McDonald’s and ordered, only to find that we left our wallets at home. To avoid this problem, it is proactive to always keep $20.00 in your car. However, you also don’t want to leave the money in sight.

Some cars have a sunglass compartment that is useful to store cash. In other cars, it is enough to simply place the money in your glovebox. As long as it is present in the car but out of sight, you’re good!

5. Jacket

When we are rushing out of the house in the morning without glancing at the weather. But this comes around to bite us when the afternoon thunderstorms roll around.

It’s always a good idea to keep a jacket and an umbrella in your car at all times. These two objects may take up some space, so store them in the trunk. If the storm hits before you get out of your car, then simply fold down your backseats and reach into your trunk to grab them. Most cars have features that allow the driver to reach into the trunk without exiting the vehicle.


It can be stressful being constantly on the go, so it’s important to keep these essentials near you at all times. From items that will keep you safe to those that will make your life easier, we guarantee that a moment will when you need one of these when you’re far from home. You can go a step further by keeping a spare outfit in your car!

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