Which Steps To Take When Your Car Paint Damages After Collision?


“Auto body damage” – the three words that are enough to make any automobile owner shiver. Carelessness, weather, fender benders and high-speed collisions are the most common causes of automobile damage. Accidents and collisions can inflict the greatest damage and selecting the best car body shop can be stressful. You most likely want your car back as quickly as possible and don’t want to consider having it repainted.

After a collision, the final step in the collision repair process should be to have your car repainted. You may believe that having your automobile painted after auto body repairs is only for aesthetic purposes, but there are several other reasons why it is necessary. We will look into the details of the process and also talk about how to protect your cars paintwork in this article.

Repainting may be required depending on the severity of the damage and there is a range of reasons for paint damage. Regardless of how little the damage to your car is, you should always opt for expert car repainting to ensure a high-quality result.

The auto body shop will check the damages thoroughly and provide an estimate for the repairs as well as a list of what has to be done, including repainting. Then they’ll finish the following steps to create a stunning new coat.

Steps of re-painting the car after collision

1. Matching colour

Most auto body repair companies have equipment that allows them to use a computerised paint system to match your car’s existing paint colour. This will result in a smooth surface that will make your car look brand new.

2. Sanding

A technician will sand down the area to be painted in order to prepare the vehicle for a new coat. This scrapes any remaining paint from the car and leaves it with a smooth surface to work on. The technician will also clean up any rust or other debris that can get in the way of the new paint job.

3. Taping and applying primer

After the sanding, the technician will tape the vehicle to ensure that the paint does not get into any areas where it isn’t supposed to, such as the windows, tyres, headlights and other surfaces that need to be protected. Following the application of the tape, the technician will apply primer to produce an even surface on which the paint will settle readily. After that, the primer will be allowed to dry for several hours before applying the paint.

4. Painting and clear coating

After the primer has dried sufficiently, the technician will use a spray gun to uniformly and effectively coat the panel with paint. The technician may apply up to three coats of colour paint to the car, depending on the model, to ensure that all damage is hidden and the fresh coat is vivid. After allowing those applications to dry, the technician will seal and preserve the colour paint with a coat or two of clear coat.

5. Waxing

You can take your car back to the shop to have it waxed when the paint has fully cured in a few weeks. This will safeguard the vehicle from damage and give it a dazzling, new appearance.

Now that the car is repainted, not safeguarding it could damage the paint’s finish, resulting in apparent flaws for which the shop will not be held liable. Use these paint preservation tips for at least the first month after the collision repairs are completed to keep your car’s finish looking fantastic.

Tips to keep your car good-looking after the collision repairs

1. Say no to a commercial car wash

Your car has been out of the shop for a few days and is now dirty. To clean the dirt, your first reaction is to take it to a local car wash. Most commercial car washes use stiff brushes or sponges that might harm the delicate new finish, so this isn’t a good choice. Instead, wash your car with a mild car solution and cool water. Do not wash in under direct sunlight.

2. Keep it under covers

Keeping your car under a covered structure as often as possible is one of the best ways to preserve its paint from getting harmed. Keeping your car under any form of structure, whether it’s an enclosed garage or even a canopy, can prevent the paint on your car from fading due to the sun’s rays. It can also help prevent chips from being caused by rain, hail and other harsh weather conditions.

3. Get ceramic coating

A chemical polymer that is put to the exterior of a car to protect it from external paint damage is known as a professional-grade ceramic coating. It’s usually applied by hand and mixes in with your car’s paint, adding an extra layer of waterproof protection.

The factory paint job on the car is unaffected by this chemical bonding and the formation of a new layer. Find out about ceramic coating for cars and what is it that protects your car’s paint.

4. Steer clear from gravel roads

Gravel can be stirred up and scratch your car’s paint, so keep as far away from these roads as possible. This is especially true in the first 30 days after having your car painted when the paint is most susceptible to chipping.

5. Do not use a dry cloth to wipe the dirt

If you see sap or other dust or debris on your vehicle, don’t try to wipe it off with a dry cloth because this could scratch the paint. To avoid scratching the finish, use only clean water.

6. Avoid parking under trees

You might be tempted to park under a tree to keep your car cooler when you get in, but this can cause sap to drip on your freshly painted vehicle. Furthermore, because trees attract birds, your finish may be contaminated by bird droppings.

7. Be careful with these substances

If you leave certain things on your car for too long or remove them incorrectly, they might damage the finish. Windshield wiper fluid, oil, transmission fluid and gasoline are among them. If these things do get on your finish, rinse them off with water rather than wiping them off.


Any good collision repair professional takes pleasure in their work, which includes the paint job. They want you to be happy with the results, so when you pick up your automobile from the body shop, someone should explain how to safeguard the finish for the first few months after the repairs are finished. Follow their directions attentively to ensure that your vehicle’s paint lasts for many years.

Having your car painted by professionals at auto paint shops after the damage has been repaired is just as vital as having your car repaired. Accidents and collisions are stressful enough, but having your automobile repainted can help you avoid further damage. Furthermore, you deserve to have a car that looks the best it could.

Author’s Bio

Hi, I am Erika Rhein, a professional writer, and blogger by profession. I write on various niches, However, I specialise in writing blogs for home improvement, technology, lifestyle, etc. I always strive to provide users with useful and informative articles in a readable format. I aim to achieve a difference through my writing.


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