Cleaning a clogged EGR valve


Is your EGR valve clogged? Don’t worry, it’s common and luckily you can easily clean it. In this article you can read what the cause of the blockage is and what problems a dirty EGR valve can cause. We also explain how you can clean it yourself.

What causes an EGR valve blockage?

The abbreviation EGR stands for Exhaust Gas Recirculation. The EGR valve is responsible for directing exhaust gasses into the combustion chamber. The goal is to reduce harmful nitrous oxide. After a long time, the exhaust gasses can pollute the EGR valve, when this happens the engine will not perform as well. If the EGR valve is dirty, some of the exhaust gasses can return to the intake path. If these exhaust gasses are a mixture of soot, unburnt fuel and oil, clumps are formed. This will create a deposit that will adhere to and in the EGR valve, the diesel particulate filter and the intake pipe.

The EGR valve will open and close less well due to the contamination. Ultimately, the amount of exhaust gas that goes back into the combustion chamber will increase, resulting in more and more pollution. The inlet section will eventually silt up, so less and less oxygen is drawn in. In addition, the particulate filter will fill with soot and other dirt residues.

What is the consequence of a dirty EGR valve?

Problems are inevitable. Unfortunately, the problems are not always immediately visible.

Here’s how you can recognize a dirty EGR valve:

  • A fault light comes on.
  • The car consumes more fuel.
  • The engine will stutter.
  • Higher emissions of harmful exhaust gasses.
  • The particulate filter is dirty or clogged.
  • The car loses power.

Do you recognize these problems? Then don’t wait too long and clean your EGR valve to prevent worse.

Clean the EGR valve yourself

How to clean EGR valve without removing it? That’s not that hard! You can use an EGR cleaner such as De Lindemann Total Care Diesel. So you don’t have to immediately call the first car mechanic. It is an affordable solution that can deliver a good result. The EGR cleaner will remove dirt and deposits from the EGR valve, injectors and, for example, the particulate filter. You don’t have to remove the EGR valve, you clean it by pouring the cleaner into the fuel tank. Always read the manual before use to make it easy on yourself.

It is definitely recommended to use an EGR cleaner first. Replacing the EGR valve is very expensive. This is because it is difficult to reach. The mechanic will therefore be busy for many hours, it will cost you a fortune.

It is wise to regularly use an EGR cleaner, in any case, a contaminated EGR valve cannot be prevented. It is very important to avoid clogging. The engine will continue to run better, you will spend less money on fuel and it is better for the environment, because less harmful exhaust gases are released. Feel free to add it every time you fill up.

Cleaning the DPF

Is the diesel particulate filter dirty? Fortunately, this one is also easy to clean. An additive is also available for DPF cleaning. A DPF cleaner is the best solution because replacing the particulate filter is extremely expensive. A dirty particulate filter will make your car stutter and will increase fuel consumption. A malfunction light will illuminate when your particulate filter is clogged. Clean it quickly because a clogged particulate filter will eventually cause more problems. This is of course very logical because the soot can no longer find its way out.

Replacing a particulate filter is often done incorrectly, so it is better to opt for a cleaner. As with cleaning the EGR valve, you can use, for example, De Lindemann Total Care Diesel. This is a cleaner that is known for its very good effect. The cleaner lowers the degree of combustion of the soot, so that the soot can burn more easily. In addition, it is filled with powerful cleaning agents. The entire fuel system will receive a thorough cleaning. An affordable solution with a very good result. So don’t hesitate to give it a try.

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