How Long Can You Drive on a Flat Tire?


Let’s pretend that this is happening to you. You’re driving down the road when your tire blows out. You turn off the highway so that you can change it, but you’re not sure how long you can stay there.

How long can you drive on a flat tire? It depends on your vehicle, the tire, and your patience. You’ll want to know the answer to this question if you’re ever on the side of the road waiting to be rescued.

Keep reading to learn more!

How Long Can You Drive on a Flat Tire?

Driving on a flat tire for long periods of time can be incredibly dangerous and could lead to a costly accident. It is recommended that you don’t drive at all on a flat tire or drive on a flat tire for no longer than 10 to 50 miles. The length of time a flat tire can be driven will also depend on the type of tire, the terrain, the speed of the vehicle, and the weight it carries.

Pitfalls of Driving on a Flat Tire

It is not safe to drive on a flat tire, and it is important to know the possible pitfalls that can occur while driving on a flat tire. Driving on a flat tire can lead to the puncture hole expanding and causing the tire to fail more quickly. It can also damage the rim of the wheel that the tire is on, as well as the wheel bearings.

Driving on a flat tire will also result in fuel efficiency loss, meaning you will be consuming more fuel than you would normally do if the tire were correctly inflated. It is a good practice to check your tires and inflate them regularly to avoid a flat tire situation. Generally, you should not drive on a flat tire for longer than a few miles to prevent any long-term damage from occurring to your car.

How to Change a Tire

Changing a tire is a useful skill to have, and one that is easier than you might think.

Before you begin, make sure you are in a safe area. You’ll need a tire iron, an extra tire, and a jack. Once you have these items and you’re ready to begin, you can use the tire iron to loosen the lug nuts and remove the wheel.

Place the jack carefully in the center and lift it up until it lifts the car off the ground. All you need to do after that is attach the new tire and tighten the lug nuts. Finally, lower the jack and check to make sure the new tire is on and secure.

Congratulations, you’ve successfully changed your tire!

How to Avoid Having a Flat Tire

When driving, it’s important to take preventative measures to avoid having a flat tire. Before taking a long drive, be reminded of the following:

Inspect Tires for Damage and Wear

It is important to regularly inspect tires for damage and wear. Check the tires for any visible wear, cuts, bulges, or other damage that would affect the performance of the tires. They should also check the tire treads, looking for any features that may be uneven or worse than expected.

Check the sidewalls of the tires to ensure they are not cracked, bulging, or receding due to excessive wear. Also, examine the alignment of the wheels to make sure they are pointing in the right direction and seated intact.

Finally, make sure the tires are balanced and not causing excessive vibration or uneven wear. Regularly inspecting tires for damage and wear will help ensure a safe and comfortable driving experience.

Check Tire Pressure

It is important to take some steps to check and maintain your tire pressure. Start by ensuring that the tires on your car are correctly inflated. This can be done with an accurate tire pressure gauge and maintained according to your vehicle’s specifications. Additionally, check the tire pressure of your spare tire, as a low spare tire will render the spare useless.

Opt for Brand or Quality Tires

When purchasing tires, it is worth investing in good quality tires as they will usually have a wider tread and thicker side walls, helping to prevent punctures. Additionally, brand or quality tires will provide a better grip on wet roads, which can help prevent slipping or hydroplaning. Finally, brand or quality tires will last longer, giving you more savings and fewer chances of having a flat tire.

Avoid Overloading Tires

It is important to make sure that any vehicle you are driving has tires that can accommodate the amount of weight placed on them. This includes the weight of the driver and passengers, plus any cargo that is going to be transported. Always look for the load rating for the tires on the sidewall, and never overload them with excess weight.

Watch for Road Hazards

Watching for road hazards is an important tip to avoid having a flat tire. People often get complacent and don’t look ahead, especially when driving on smooth roads. However, looking ahead and staying alert is key to noticing any potholes and sharp objects on the road.

Potholes and sharp objects can cause major damage to tires if they’re not seen in time. Taking it slow and paying attention to the road can help reduce impacts that can puncture the tire.

As a bonus, remain vigilant while parallel parking your vehicle. Sharp curbs and dried-up lawns can hide nails, screws, and rocks that can pop the tire.

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Avoid Driving on a Flat Tire

It is not recommended to drive on a flat tire, even if you are only going a short distance. It’s important to know that you should never attempt to drive farther than the distance it takes to reach an auto repair shop safely, which can be as short as a few miles.

Always remember safety comes first, and you should never drive a car with a flat tire. Prevent flat tires from becoming an issue ever again by regularly checking your tire condition and keeping them inflated at all times.

For more helpful guides, check out our website today.

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