California Dreamin’ of a New Car: How To Sell Your Junk Car for Cash


Californians love their cars. Whether it’s a drive to the beach, a trip to the mountains, or the daily commute to work, having a car is a necessity in the Golden State. Just as important as it is to have a car to get you from point A to point B, it can be a luxury to own a new car, or at least new to you. However, sometimes scraping up the cash to purchase one is difficult.

If you currently own a difficult-to-sell clunker, you can get quick cash for it from a junk car buyer in California. Depending on your vehicle’s make, model, and a few other factors, you can get some easy money to put down on that new car so you can cruise in style.

Ways To Sell Your Junk Car for Cash

Owners of junk cars may believe that they have no value, but nothing could be further from the truth. Despite body damage, mileage, age, or costly repair issues, junk cars can still be sold for cash. There are several different methods of selling your junk car and each has its pros and cons. Which method is right for you will depend on how close you want to its actual resale value, how much effort you want to put into selling it, and how long you’re willing to wait to find the right buyer.

Private Sale

To remain in total control of the sale, you can sell your junk car to a private individual. This is, however, most likely the most time-consuming way to do so. Sellers looking to squeeze every penny out of the sale of their clunker often choose to sell it themselves by offering it for sale to the general public. They set the selling price and can choose to negotiate the price with a prospective buyer or hold firm to their asking price.

However, selling a junk car this way means that you’ll be in charge of everything from placing ads, vetting buyers, and meeting with random strangers. Facebook Marketplace and Craigslist ads can take a while to generate sales leads, if any.


You set the price



Meeting with total strangers

Junk or Scrap Yard

Junk car sellers looking for a quick sale can do so by taking their wreck to a local junk or scrap yard. These businesses offer the reliability of a fast, no-hassle transaction. They’ll evaluate your vehicle and determine its value by the scrap metal they can harvest. Junk and scrap yards usually take any type of vehicle.

Unfortunately, you won’t get top dollar for your junker, and you may also have to bring it to them. Prices will vary depending on the model of your vehicle and what the market price is for scrap metal.


Quick sale


Not the best price

You may need to bring the vehicle to them

Specialized Dealer

If you’re looking to quickly convert your clunker to cash in the most convenient way, try selling it to a specialized California dealer who buys junk cars regardless of appearance, mileage, age, or mechanical issues. You’ll get the best price, and many will come to you and haul it away within 24 hours. Specialized dealers are easy to work with and can pay you with a check and some even offer payment via your favorite cash app. They offer the desirability of a fast sale, fair price, and towing options.


Best price

Free towing

Same day sale

Various payment options

Buy That New Car by Selling Your Clunker to a Specialized Dealer

A new (or new to you) car is the California dream of many, but it may be just out of your financial reach. If you’re in possession of an old clunker, wreck, or vehicle with necessary costly repairs, selling it to a specialized dealer could bring you much closer to purchasing a more reliable method of transportation.

Specialized dealers buy any and all types of vehicles regardless of their condition. They’ll even purchase junk cars that have outlived their usefulness. Many offer free towing and a variety of payment methods. Don’t give away your wreck or pay a service to haul it away. Contact a specialized dealer and get that much-needed cash to put towards a new(er) car.

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