Facts and History


Who Were Gottlieb Wilhelm Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach and What was Their Contribution to the Automobile?

Gottlieb Wilhelm Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach are two of the most important figures in the history of the automobile. They were responsible for creating...

Who was Robert Anderson and What was His Contribution to the Automobile?

The development of the automobile is a truly fascinating part of our history. Various inventors made their contributions to help automobiles reach the stage...

Who was Karl Friedrich Benz and What was His Contribution to the Automobile?

Karl Friedrich Benz was a German engineer and inventor who is best known for inventing the first automobile that used an internal combustion engine....

Who Was Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot, and What Was His Contribution to the Automobile?

Some of the most famous inventors in history are people like Thomas Edison and James Watt, but there is one inventor that you may...

Learn the Interesting History of Power Steering

The history of power steering is a fascinating one, and it's one that we're going to explore in this blog post. We'll take you...

Famous Owners of Rolls Royce Cars

If you ask about a hundred people what they think is the most luxurious car brand in the world, most of them would tell...

History of the NSU Ro80

If you are currently collecting or looking for rare cars with interesting features, then you might be interested in the NSU Ro80, an executive...

Ultimate Guide to Cars of the 1960s

Although the 1960s is not as significant to the automobile industry as the 50s and the 40s, the era is still regarded as one...

The History of Volkswagen

There are only a few brands within the automobile industry that truly stood the test of time, and one of those brands is Volkswagen,...

The History of Anti-Lock Brakes

Many historians that specialize in the history of cars would say that the invention of anti-lock brakes helped revolutionize how we drive our cars...


Luxury That Lasts: Reliability in Luxury Cars Explored

Often, when you think of luxury cars, the first things that come to mind are style, comfort, performance, and advanced features. However, there is...

Everything You Need to Know About Car Bolts

Getting well-familiar with the additives that preserve your vehicle ticking is every captivating and realistic. Among the unsung heroes of car integrity are bolts....

Finding Balance on the Road: Navigating Part-Time School Bus Jobs for Work-Life Harmony

Achieving a healthy work-life balance is a perpetual challenge. However, for school bus drivers, it often carries unique nuances and demands. As someone responsible...