History of the Maserati Car Emblem


Maserati is an Italian luxury car manufacturer that was established in 1914. Since then, Maserati has become popular for its unique blend of luxury and class. In fact, they have a long history of being a high-quality, luxury vehicle manufacturer. From its humble beginning, Maserati has always emphasized their passion for technological expertise to be always ahead of its time and competition. They always pay attention to every little detail to the racing industry, producing the most luxurious vehicles to the care and effort they put into naming each of their cars.

That’s why it’s no surprise that they gave so much attention to every little detail in creating the iconic Maserati logo. But what is the meaning behind their logo?


Maserati was founded in 1914 but their logo was created n 1926. The iconic logo was created by the only Maserati brother who was not interested in the automotive industry, Mario Maserati. But despite the fact that he wasn’t interested in making cars, Mario Maserati’s contribution to the company has proven to stand the test of time. And the logo was inspired was inspired by the Neptune fountain in Piazza Maggiore and the Maserati emblem is an honor to the family and the company’s humble beginning in Bologna, Italy.

According to Roman mythology, Neptune’s trident is a powerful connection between the earth and sea. It controls the tides, waves while conjuring earthquakes. The Romans invested enormous powers in Neptune’s Trident. Aside from controlling the waves and tides, it can also give life to new bodies of water and cause earth-shattering destruction at the same time. Just like Maserati’s powerful cars which combines classic profiles and unmatched performance with powerful speed and luxury.

The colors of the Maserati’s emblem pays respect to the family and the brand’s hometown.  The red and blue over a white base is inspired by the City of Bologna’s flag. Mario Maserati made the right decision when he drew inspiration from Bolognese’s banner because it reflected Maserati’s roots. The emblem also showed that the past and innovation can go hand in hand.

Since the emblem’s debut on Maserati’s Tipo 26 model in 1926, it has been used on every car that Maserati manufactured. In fact, the emblem’s design has remained almost identical since its inauguration. There have been minimal changes over the years with Maserati opting for a more minimalist and modernized base for the trident while adding more depth.

Maserati is never known for chasing trends, they have always been interested in building their own legacy as the best and most elegant car that can be found on the road and the race track. It is safe to say that the Trident has lived up to its mythological legacy and it definitely brought everlasting life to the renowned luxury vehicle.

Maserati’s luxury cars may have innovative technology and cutting-edge designs but the elegance that has been inculcated by Alfieri Maserati and his brothers will stay with the company for more years to come. And just like the cars they build, the Maserati logo proves that perfection can stand the test of time.

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