How do you prevent mold from developing in your car?



Before going directly to our topic let us first talk about what a mold is. One of the structures that some fungus can produce is a mold. The development of spores containing fungal secondary metabolites gives molds their dust-like, colorful look. 

Molds are regarded as microorganisms and do not belong to any particular taxonomic or phylogenetic group, but rather to the Zygomycota and Ascomycota divisions. Molds can cause natural materials to biodegrade, which can be undesirable if it results in spoiled food or property damage.  

Molds in your car

Mold fungus on a car seat.

Everyone is aware of how unpleasant mold can be. It may ruin a perfectly fine slice of pizza or your favorite bread and even your cars. Its nasty, musty, and dirty. A few mold species can be fatal to humans when inhaled or consumed, as if we needed another excuse to despise the fungus. 

The last place you’d think look for mold is in your car, yet it makes a great area for fungus to thrive. Mold grows best in warm, humid environments, which frequently describe dirty cars. Mold in the car will undoubtedly make you feel uneasy because it smells bad and feels strangely sticky. 

In addition to these things, molds are harmful to your health. When you come into contact with this kind of fungus, it can irritate your skin. Mold exposure increases your risk of getting lung infections, asthma, nasal congestion, and shortness of breath. 

How does mold grow in cars?

Mold on a car seat that has been left unused for several months. 

Whenever your interior is damp, mold might develop. Spilled food and beverages, wet shoes from prolonged rain, and titled sunroof are a few typical causes. Mold develops when warm air in your moist interior comes in contact with it. 

Spilling liquid (such as juice, water, or coffee) on the floor is one way to introduce mold into your car. Opening windows in rainy conditions, driving in humid garages, putting wet garments on the seats, and flood damage are all examples of situations where molds can develop in your car.  

The biggest challenge is that because mold is airborne, it spreads rapidly and the longer you wait to address it, the worse it will become. In this article we will talk about how to prevent mold from developing in your car. 

How to prevent mold from developing in your car

It might be a difficult and unpleasant task to remove mold from inside your car. As a result, it is preferable to stop them from accumulating inside your car as opposed to frequently taking them out. Like they often say, “prevention is better than the cure.” 

Drink spills are among the most frequent causes of mold growth inside of an automobile. Having said that, it is advised that you refrain from drinking inside your car. But if it’s unavoidable, make sure to drive carefully to prevent spills. 

Never eat inside the car. You should stop eating in the car, however doing so could be a little challenging. This is due to the fact that food crumbs and liquid spills make excellent substrates for the formation of mold. If you eat in the car, make sure to wipe up any spillage right away.

Before getting out of your car, you should also make sure that the windows and sunroof are closed. Make it a practice to shut the car’s windows, radio, air conditioning, and headlights before you switch off the engine and step out. 

Place a dehumidifier inside your car as an additional piece of advice. A dehumidifier has several advantages, like reducing unpleasant interior odors, limiting the growth of mildew in your car, and promoting healthy air for easier breathing.

How to get rid of mold in your car

First things first: never attempt to remove mold without the right safety equipment. Before starting, be sure to be dressed in overalls, rubber boots, rubber gloves, a face mask, and some goggles. This is for your safety. 

Prepare your car and eliminate any potential mold sources inside it. These are damp gym bags, seat covers, and floor mats. Set them away to be handled later. Additionally, you should park your vehicle in a bright, open space. Open the windows and let the insides air out for a bit. This will reduce the likelihood of you breathing in mold spores. 

Here are some methods or things that you can use to get rid of those nasty molds. 

  • Using baking soda – Because of its superior cleaning abilities, many people rely on it religiously. This common culinary item, though, works just as well against mold and mildew. The air refresher function is also excellent. Simply sprinkle baking soda on the moldy areas and let it sit there for 20 minutes. Any extra moisture will be absorbed by the baking soda, leaving a powdery residue. Baking soda can be used alone or in combination with white vinegar for even more potent results.
  • White vinegar – Mold can be effectively removed with distilled white vinegar. Mildly acidic vinegar kills bothersome mold spores and reduces the likelihood of their regrowth. It can also be applied on many surfaces, including leather and vinyl.  The only drawback to this approach is the smell of vinegar, which is particularly overpowering. Nevertheless, you can get rid of it by spraying some air freshener inside the vehicle or keeping the doors open to allow the odor to gradually disappear.
  • Salt – Mold spores are dehydrated by saltwater by sucking water out of their membranes, starving and killing them as a result. You should be aware, though, that applying raw salt on mold is probably not going to help. Salt must be dissolved in a solution.  Fill a bucket with water and salt. Make sure the solution is sufficiently concentrated. Apply saltwater to the mold places using a spray bottle or a sponge. Allow the surface to dry off by leaving the car in the sun. It ought to leave behind a crusty smear. To complete the process, use water to scrub off the mold residue. 
  • Clove Oil – Mold spores can be destroyed by clove oil, preventing new growth. For one liter of water, only one-fourth teaspoon of clove oil is required. Start by vacuuming the affected area. Apply a small amount of the clove oil solution you just made to the mold locations. After it has dried, simply clean the area, and you’re done. You can combine a few drops of clove oil with some baking soda to treat mold growth that is particularly severe. Apply it there and scrub the area well with a toothbrush. You can wipe it down once the surface is dry. 
  • Use cleaning agents – If using organic materials doesn’t concern you, you can alternatively spend money on a specific mold removal product for your car. Just keep in mind that some of these cleaning products can contain hazardous substances. As a result, you must use them carefully and strictly according to the directions. Most importantly, be sure the product is secure for use on vinyl and leather.

Wrapping it up

If you’re not careful, you’ll undoubtedly encounter mold in your car at least once in your life. The best course of action is to take the suggested preventive actions. Remove any mold that has begun to accumulate in your car as soon as you can to prevent health issues. 

Although removing mold from the interior of your car might seem challenging, it is not impossible. To get it cleaned up, all you’ll need is the appropriate cleaning solution and safety equipment. If the do-it-yourself solutions don’t work, you may always ask a professional for help.

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