How to Get Rid of a Vehicle: 3 Ways to Get Cash for Your Old Car


If you have an old or unusable car, you’re probably wondering how to get rid of a vehicle.

Americans bought around 17 million vehicles in 2019.

If you weren’t quite ready to buy a vehicle last year, you may be in the market for a new vehicle this year. To help you fund this purchase, you may want to consider selling your current vehicle, but how?

Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about how to get rid of a vehicle, regardless of its condition.

1. Sell Your Vehicle Privately

When you’re thinking about getting rid of a vehicle, the first thing you should attempt to do is sell your vehicle privately. Finding the right buyer can take some time, but using this method will likely get you the most profit.

Start by cleaning up the vehicle, repairing anything minor, and photographs. Then, post your vehicle for sale online and in your local newspaper.

This method is all about effectively marketing your vehicle. The more eyes you get your advertisement in front of, the higher the chance that you’ll find the right buyer.

2. Trade It Into a Dealer

If you don’t want to spend weeks or months searching for the right buyer, you can also consider trading your vehicle in to a dealer. This method is convenient when you’re already planning on buying your new vehicle from a lender.

The process is pretty simple. When you go to purchase your new vehicle, hand over the title for your current vehicle. For doing this, the dealer will take your old car’s value off of your new car’s purchasing price. Many people use this method instead of a down payment.

3. Sell It to a Junkyard

If you can’t afford to wait and are looking for where to get rid of old cars regardless of the time of year, head to your local junkyard.

When you junk a car, you are selling the vehicle for its parts and materials. This means that the price you get is not based on the vehicle itself, but on the weight of the car and what materials it consists of.

While you may not get as much money going this route, it’s a very straightforward process. Just find a way to get your vehicle to the junkyard and provide proof of ownership. Then, walk away with cash in hand the same day.

Now You Know How to Get Rid of a Vehicle

Now that you know how to get rid of a vehicle, it’s time to choose which option is best for your situation.

If you aren’t limited in time and want to get the maximum profit possible, sell your vehicle privately. If you’re buying a new vehicle from a dealer and looking for convenience, consider trading in your old vehicle to the dealer. And, if the vehicle is in bad condition and you just want a fast way to get rid of it, take it to a junkyard.

Once you’ve got your old vehicle out of the way, it’s time to start shopping for your new ride. Head to the Car Buying section of this site for content to help you.

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