classic cars


The Best Cars Made in the 80s

The 80s was a fun time – big hair, shoulder pads, aerobics craze, Rubik’s cubes, phones the size of bricks – these things usually...

The Worst Cars Made in the 70s

The 1970s was a difficult for the automotive industry. Two major oil crises, in 1973 and 1979, defined this era, which dramatically increased fuel...

The Best Cars Made in the 70s

The 70s was a fantastic era for cars. During this time, the automotive industry was bustling with growth, innovation, and financial success. Key players...

The Best Cars Made in the 1960s

The 1960s is often referred to as the 'golden era' of automotive design and engineering, so it's just fitting that the cars made in...

The Best Cars Made in the 1950s

The 1950s were all about standout styles in cars, making them genuinely unforgettable even today. This decade marked a significant shift in the car...

Tips for Attending a Classic Car Auction

The thrill of purchasing a classic car at auction is unmatched, but it can be a bit intimidating for beginners. Sure, the hustle and...

Introduction to Midget Car Racing

Exciting, nimble, and a bit risky – that's the essence of midget car racing. Midget cars, closely related to sprint cars, have been a...

What Are the Rarest and Most Unique Classic Cars Ever Made

There's an undeniable charm about rare cars that captivates everyone, not just car enthusiasts. Perhaps it's their stunning looks, timeless and unique designs, staggering...

Guide to Joining a Classic Car Club

Because of their timeless designs and rich histories, classic cars have long captivated the hearts of many. From the sleek lines of a 1960s...

How to License and Register Your Classic Car

When purchasing a new or used car, you typically need to register it with the relevant state agency, which could be the Department of...


What Does a Hazmat Driver Need to Know to Transport Dangerous Goods?

Transporting dangerous goods requires a hazmat driver to have specialized knowledge and training. These drivers must understand the regulations governing hazardous materials, including proper...

The Evolution of the Automotive Mechanic

The automotive mechanic's role has changed dramatically over the years, evolving from basic mechanical repairs to sophisticated diagnostics and electronic systems. This transformation reflects...

How to Start a Career in Automotive Marketing

Starting a career in automotive marketing offers the chance to combine a passion for cars with strategic and creative skills. This field involves promoting...