The Pros and Cons of Cloth and Fabric Seats


If you’re buying a new car and considering your seating options, you will be faced with many options. There are leather, leatherette, nylon, vinyl, polyester, or ultra suede. Each of them has specific pros and cons, but if you’re leaning towards choosing a cloth material, this will help you make the right choice.

Pros of Cloth and Fabric Seats

a velvet car seat


One of the most significant advantages of cloth seats is their comfort level. Cloth fabric tends to be softer and more comfortable to sit on, especially during extreme temperatures. Unlike leather or vinyl seats, cloth doesn’t get overly hot in summer or cold in winter, providing a more consistent level of comfort throughout the year.

2. Variety and Aesthetics

Cloth and fabric seats offer various colors, patterns, and textures. This variety allows for greater customization and personalization of your space. Whether you prefer bold colors, intricate patterns, or a more understated look, there’s likely a fabric option to suit your style.

3. Cost-Effective

Generally, cloth seats are more budget-friendly than their leather counterparts. This makes them an attractive option for those looking to furnish on a budget without compromising on comfort and aesthetics.

4. Easy Maintenance and Cleaning

While fabric seats do require regular cleaning, they are relatively easy to maintain. Most spills can be cleaned with upholstery cleaner and a bit of elbow grease. Additionally, the fabric doesn’t scratch as easily as leather.

Cons of Cloth and Fabric Seats

1. Absorbs Stain and Odor

One of the biggest drawbacks of cloth seats is their tendency to absorb spills, stains, and odors more readily than other materials. This can make it challenging to keep clean, especially in high-traffic areas or in homes with small children and pets.

2. Prone to Wear and Tear

Fabric can be less durable than other materials like leather. Over time, cloth seats may show signs of wear, such as thinning, fading, or fraying, particularly in frequently used areas.

3. Can Harbor Allergens

Fabric seats can harbor dust mites, pet dander, and pollen allergens. This can be a significant downside for individuals with allergies or asthma, as it may require more frequent deep cleaning to maintain a healthy environment.

4. Lower Perceived Value

In some contexts, like in the case of vehicle interiors, cloth seats are often seen as a lower-end option compared to leather. This perception can affect the resale value of the vehicle.

Comparing Cloth with Other Materials

Several factors come into play when comparing cloth and fabric seats to alternatives like leather and vinyl. Here’s a brief comparison to provide a clearer picture:

Cloth vs. Leather


  • Cloth Seats: They are known for being comfortable in various temperatures. Cloth doesn’t get as hot in summer or as cold in winter as leather does. It also tends to be softer, providing a cozy seating surface.
  • Leather Seats: Leather can offer a more premium feel and can conform to the body’s shape over time. However, it can become quite hot in the summer and cold in the winter if not equipped with temperature controls.


  • Cloth Seats: Easier to stain and absorb odors, requiring more frequent cleaning. However, they are generally more straightforward to maintain on a day-to-day basis with regular vacuuming and spot cleaning.
  • Leather Seats: They are easier to wipe clean and less likely to absorb spills and odors. However, leather requires regular conditioning to prevent cracking and fading.


  • Cloth Seats: These can wear out more quickly, especially in high-use areas, leading to thinning or fraying. However, modern, high-quality fabrics can offer significant longevity.
  • Leather Seats: Generally more durable and resistant to wear and tear if properly maintained. Leather can crack or fade if neglected, especially when exposed to sunlight for extended periods.


  • Cloth Seats: Typically less expensive both in terms of the initial cost of the vehicle and for repairs or replacements.
  • Leather Seats: They are considered a premium option and can significantly increase the cost of a vehicle. Repairing or replacing leather can also be more costly.

Aesthetics and Value

  • Cloth Seats: May offer a wider variety of colors and patterns but are often viewed as less luxurious compared to leather.
  • Leather Seats: Often associated with luxury and high-end vehicles, potentially increasing the car’s resale value. Leather comes in various grades and colors, offering a rich aesthetic appeal.

Environmental and Ethical Considerations

  • Cloth Seats: Generally considered to be more environmentally friendly, especially if made from recycled or sustainable materials.
  • Leather Seats: There are concerns about the environmental impact of leather production and animal welfare. However, synthetic leather options are available, offering the look and feel of real leather with fewer ethical concerns.

Allergies and Health

  • Cloth Seats: Can trap dust mites, pet hair, and other allergens, potentially affecting those with allergies.
  • Leather Seats: Less likely to harbor allergens, making them a good option for individuals with allergies or asthma.

Cloth vs. Vinyl


  • Cloth Seats: Generally offer a more comfortable seating experience, especially in extreme temperatures. Cloth does not become as hot as vinyl in the summer or as cold in the winter. It also allows for better air circulation, which can reduce sweating on longer drives.
  • Vinyl Seats: These can feel sticky and uncomfortable in hot weather and cold in winter. However, some high-quality vinyls are designed to mimic the breathability of cloth, improving comfort.


  • Cloth Seats: More prone to absorbing spills and stains, which can make them harder to clean. They may require regular vacuuming and occasional deep cleaning with specialized products to maintain a fresh appearance.
  • Vinyl Seats: Easier to clean and maintain. Spills can often be wiped away without leaving stains. Vinyl is less likely to absorb odors compared to cloth, making it a practical choice for families with kids and pets.


  • Cloth Seats: While generally durable, cloth seats can show wear and tear more quickly, especially in high-use areas. They are susceptible to fading and may become threadbare over time.
  • Vinyl Seats: Often more durable than cloth and resistant to cuts and scratches. High-quality vinyl can last a long time without showing significant signs of wear. However, cheap vinyl may crack or peel over time.


  • Cloth Seats: Typically, cloth seats are the standard offering in many vehicles, making them a more cost-effective option upfront. However, the potential for more frequent deep cleanings and repairs could add to the overall cost.
  • Vinyl Seats: These may come as an upgrade in some vehicles, especially in models where durability and ease of cleaning are marketed features. While initially more expensive, the lower maintenance costs can make them more economical over time.


  • Cloth Seats: Offer a wide variety of textures, patterns, and colors. Cloth can provide a warmer, more inviting look to a car’s interior but may look dated or worn with age.
  • Vinyl Seats: Can offer a sleek, modern look that mimics leather at a lower cost. Available in various colors and finishes, vinyl seats can contribute to a high-end appearance if well-maintained.

Environmental and Health Considerations

  • Cloth Seats: Generally considered more eco-friendly than vinyl, as they are made from natural or recycled materials. However, the dyes and treatments applied to the cloth for durability and stain resistance can contain chemicals.
  • Vinyl Seats: Made from PVC, which is a plastic derived from petroleum products. The production and disposal of vinyl can be harmful to the environment. Additionally, vinyl can off-gas volatile organic compounds (VOCs), especially when new, which may be a concern for indoor air quality and health.

Specific Types of Cloth and Fabric Used for Car Seats

There are various types of cloth materials used for seats, each with its own set of characteristics:

1. Polyester

  • Microfiber: A popular choice for car seats, microfiber is a type of polyester that is exceptionally soft, durable, and water-resistant. It can mimic the appearance and feel of suede, providing a luxurious feel at a more affordable price. Microfiber is also easy to clean and maintain.
  • Polyester Blends: These are often used in car upholstery for their durability, resistance to stretching and shrinking, and ease of cleaning. Blends may include materials like cotton, nylon, or rayon to achieve specific textures and properties.

2. Nylon

Nylon is known for its high durability and resistance to abrasion. It’s a common choice for car seat fabrics due to its strength and ability to hold up well under constant use. Nylon fabric is also relatively easy to clean, although it may not be as comfortable as other fabrics in extreme temperatures.

3. Alcantara

Alcantara is a synthetic material that offers the look and feel of suede. It’s lightweight, durable, and flame-resistant, making it popular in high-end and luxury vehicles. Alcantara provides a unique, premium touch to car interiors but requires regular maintenance to keep it looking its best.

4. Velour

Velour is a plush, knitted fabric often used in more comfortable or luxury-oriented car models. It’s softer and warmer than most other materials, providing a cozy feel. However, velour can be challenging to clean and may not be as durable as synthetic options.

5. Wool

Wool is less common in modern car interiors but can be found in some luxury vehicles for its natural softness, warmth, and comfort. Wool seats are breathable, making them comfortable in both hot and cold conditions. However, wool fabric requires more careful maintenance to preserve its appearance and texture.

Maintenance and Care Tips for Cloth Car Seats

vacuuming a car seat

  1. Vacuum regularly: This is the first and most basic step. Regular vacuuming helps remove dust, dirt, and crumbs from your cloth seats. Use a soft brush attachment to avoid damaging the fabric, and make sure to get into the creases and under the seats.
  2. Spot clean spills: Accidents happen, and when they do, it’s essential to act fast. Blot any spills immediately with a clean, absorbent cloth to prevent the liquid from seeping deeper into the fabric. Avoid rubbing, as this can push the spill further into the fabric.
  3. Use appropriate cleaners: When it comes to cleaning solutions, make sure you’re using a cleaner that’s suitable for cloth upholstery. You can either purchase a commercial upholstery cleaner or make a DIY cleaner with a mix of water, dish soap, and vinegar. Test any cleaner on a small, inconspicuous area first to ensure it doesn’t cause discoloration.
  4. Brush gently: Sometimes, vacuuming alone isn’t enough. For tougher dirt or dried-on food, use a soft-bristled brush to scrub the area gently after applying your cleaning solution. Be gentle to avoid damaging the fabric fibers.
  5. Deal with stains properly: For stubborn stains, you might need a more targeted approach. Use a stain remover designed for cloth upholstery, applying it as directed on the product. For organic stains like food or blood, enzyme-based cleaners can be particularly effective.
  6. Avoid harsh chemicals: Steer clear of bleach and other harsh chemicals, as they can damage the fabric and cause discoloration.
  7. Deep clean regularly: Even with regular maintenance, it’s a good idea to give your cloth seats a deep clean every now and then. You can use a steam cleaner for a thorough cleaning, which also helps to sanitize the seats.
  8. Protect from sunlight: Continuous exposure to sunlight can fade cloth seats over time. Try to park in the shade or use a car cover if your car is often parked in direct sunlight.
  9. Use baking soda for odor removal: Cloth seats can absorb odors. To keep your car smelling fresh, sprinkle baking soda on the seats, let it sit for a few hours, then vacuum it up. Baking soda is great for neutralizing odors.
  10. Consider professional cleaning services: If you’re unsure or uncomfortable cleaning the seats yourself, or if they’re particularly soiled, consider getting them professionally cleaned.


Cloth car seats offer a cozy, budget-friendly option for your ride, complete with a variety of styles to match your personal taste. They’re great at staying temperate in extreme weather and are pretty straightforward to maintain with regular care. Of course, they’re not without their drawbacks – they can be a magnet for stains and odors and might show wear a bit more than their leather counterparts. But with the right cleaning routine and a little TLC, cloth seats can be a comfortable, stylish, and practical choice for your daily drive.

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