How Reliable are Classic Cars?


When it comes to classic cars, there are several myths that can either glorify or undermine their reliability. Many people only buy newer cars because they don’t want to deal with the perceived reliability issues that come with classic cars. These people think that older cars are inherently unreliable and that their parts and machinery are bound to fail more often than modern cars. Some also believe that classic cars are a pain to maintain because parts are now hard to find.

Conversely, there are some enthusiasts who romanticize classic cars, saying that these oldies are more reliable than newer cars because of simpler mechanics. They argue that because classic cars are less dependent on sophisticated technology, they are less prone to the kinds of issues that plague contemporary cars.

So, who is right? Are classic cars reliable or not? Let’s dig a little deeper.

Classic Cars vs. Modern Cars: What is More Reliable?

a classic red car in an old European city

Well, the answer to that is more nuanced than these beliefs suggest. Here are the facts:

Classic cars are reliable because they are simple

While it’s true that age can pose challenges, many classic cars are surprisingly resilient. Their simplicity can be an advantage – with fewer electronics and simpler mechanics, there are fewer things that might go wrong. If something happens, it’s easy to fix it if you know basic repairs. You can just pop the hood of your car open, figure out what’s wrong, and have it fixed from there.

So if you have a classic car with a manual transmission, no automatic climate control, GPS, heated seats, or any of the bells and whistles in new cars – you’re going to have fewer things that could go wrong.

Newer cars have better features that improve the driving experience

Once you’ve driven a new car and got used to its comforts, trying to go back to driving a manual, older car can be very hard. New cars are safer, sleeker, more comfortable, and more powerful. They have multiple computers, cameras, wiring harnesses, and various safety and comfort features for a better driving experience. Plus, the engine doesn’t need to make a lot of noise, allowing you to hear your thoughts as you drive instead of hearing road noise when driving a classic car.

It seems that cars nowadays might not be as reliable as older models, mainly because they have a lot more high-tech and fancy features. But for some people who value comfort, then these are the things that make newer cars more dependable.

Newer cars have way more parts and are more complicated

While these modern additions are certainly great, they do tend to affect the overall reliability of the vehicle because the more parts it has, the more there is that can potentially break down or go wrong.

Even if the parts are built extremely well, the fact remains: more parts equals more potential problems. But the reality is that car parts aren’t built as they used to be. They are mass-produced and made in other countries where labor and production costs are lower, and the quality is reduced.

And when you need something fixed with your new car, the complicated makeup of the car makes repairs intricate as well. You can’t just pop the hood and check it out with your buddies – you must bring the car down to a professional to do the work right.

Some new European cars don’t even have a dipstick – they need to be scanned to check the oil, and the use of the scanner tool is costly. If a windshield is broken, some modern cars require recalibration, so all the safety features work with the replacement. With a classic car, you just need to replace the windshield, which you can easily do yourself.  

Older cars use the same parts

On the other hand, car manufacturers of classic vehicles tend to use the same reliable parts across various models. These parts are well-established and have proven their reliability over the years. That’s why you often find the same parts in cars from the ’90s — the makers were confident in their dependability.

However, with modern cars, there’s a trend for manufacturers to frequently redesign parts to keep up with the ever-evolving demands of customers. This approach can lead to less reliability since these new parts haven’t undergone the same extensive testing as their predecessors. So, if you feel that older cars seem more reliable than newer ones, this is one of the reasons why.

New cars must meet CAFE standards

New cars might not be as reliable as old ones due to the pressure on car manufacturers to meet specific standards. These standards are known as CAFE, which stands for Corporate Average Fuel Economy. Basically, car makers are required to reduce emissions and improve fuel efficiency in their cars. At the same time, they have to make sure these cars still drive smoothly and come loaded with all the modern features consumers expect.

However, if you’re looking for a more cost-effective car, especially considering gas expenses, then newer cars are more reliable in that aspect because of these newer legislations.

To sum it up, the issue of what type of car is more reliable is complex. Modern cars benefit from advances in technology, materials, and manufacturing processes. They are designed for more regular use and are equipped with diagnostics that can preemptively warn of potential issues. So, you can expect to be safe. When there are potential problems, your car is loaded with tech that can warn you about them, preventing the instances of your car randomly breaking down while you’re on the road.

On the other hand, classic cars are not typically used as daily cars nowadays. They are usually maintained to preserve their authenticity, which can impact their reliability. The driving experience of a classic car is also different – they may not respond in the way a modern car does, which can be misconstrued as a lack of reliability. But when considering its quality parts and workmanship, you can expect a classic car to have a longer lifespan compared to a modern car.

Factors that Influence the Reliability of Classic Cars

Now that we have established that classic cars are reliable (depending on where you look at them), here are the factors that influence this:

1. Age and maintenance

Age is often considered a determining factor in the reliability of classic cars, but maintenance and upkeep truly make the difference. Older vehicles may have components that wear out or degrade over time, such as rubber seals, hoses, and wiring. Regular maintenance is crucial to counteract the effects of aging. This involves not only routine tasks like oil changes and fluid checks but also the preservation of original parts and the prevention of rust and corrosion.

Well-maintained classic cars can be remarkably reliable, but this often requires more attention and care than modern vehicles. Owners of classic cars need to be proactive in their maintenance routines, frequently inspecting for signs of wear and potential issues.

2. Availability and cost of spare parts 

The availability and cost of spare parts are significant factors affecting the reliability of classic cars. As these vehicles age, original parts become rarer and often more expensive. In some cases, manufacturers may have discontinued certain parts, making them difficult to find.

The cost of these parts, when available, can be high due to limited supply. Additionally, the process of sourcing authentic parts can be time-consuming and requires a certain level of expertise. Some classic car enthusiasts resort to custom fabrication of parts, which can be expensive but necessary to preserve the vehicle’s authenticity and functionality.

3. Technological simplicity vs. complexity in older models

Classic cars often exhibit a level of technological simplicity that is both a blessing and a curse in terms of reliability. On the one hand, the lack of complex electronics and computer systems means fewer components can fail due to software glitches or electronic malfunctions. This simplicity can make diagnosis and repair more straightforward for those familiar with older car technology.

On the other hand, this simplicity can also mean that classic cars lack the advanced safety features and conveniences of modern vehicles. They may require more manual adjustments and tuning, and their mechanical parts might be less efficient and more prone to wear and tear than their modern counterparts.

For example, carburetors, a common feature in older vehicles, require more frequent tuning and can be less reliable than modern fuel injection systems. In the same way, the absence of advanced suspension systems in many classic cars can lead to a more challenging driving experience and increased stress on the vehicle’s frame and components over time.

4. Restoration 

If a classic car has undergone restoration, it affects reliability. A well-executed restoration can significantly improve it, especially when it involves updating certain mechanical or electrical systems. However, the extent and nature of the restoration can vary far and wide. Some restorations focus on cosmetic improvements while neglecting mechanical updates, which can cause reliability issues down the line. Meanwhile, some restorations make classic cars more sustainable and fuel-efficient, like replacing the engine with electric motor.

Conversely, a thorough restoration that includes the engine, transmission, electrical systems, and suspension can greatly enhance the car’s performance and reliability. Classic car owners need to consider the balance between maintaining originality and making practical updates to make the car more reliable to use.

In restorations, the skill and knowledge of the restorer are also crucial. A restoration that is not up to par can introduce new problems or fail to address underlying issues. Therefore, choosing the right professional for a restoration project is as important as the restoration itself.

Tips for Prospective Classic Car Owners

When it comes to the issue of reliability, making a wise purchase is the most crucial decision to make. Before a car lands in your garage, you must ensure you have bought a quality vehicle. There are many reliable classic car models to choose from, but the general tip is the fewer issues, the more reliable it would be.

1. Research before buying

For those considering buying a classic car, doing lots of research is essential. This involves more than just looking at the price or aesthetic appeal of the vehicle. Prospective buyers should look into the specific model’s history, common issues, maintenance needs, and ownership experiences. Online forums, classic car clubs, and literature are excellent resources for gathering this kind of information.

It’s also essential to understand the market value of the car. Prices for classic cars vary widely based on factors such as rarity, condition, originality, and historical significance. Being well-informed in these matters helps you make a wise investment and avoid overpaying for a car that may need substantial repairs and restorations.

2. Thoroughly inspect the car 

Before buying a classic car, make sure you have thoroughly inspected it. This should be more in-depth than a standard pre-purchase inspection. Check for rust, which can be a big issue, especially in older vehicles. Examine the engine, transmission, brakes, electrical systems, and the condition of the interior and exterior.

If possible, have the car inspected by a professional who specializes in classic vehicles. They can identify potential problems that might not be obvious to the untrained eye. A thorough inspection can save you from expensive repairs down the line and ensure that the car is a sound investment.

3. Find a trustworthy mechanic or restoration expert

Owning a classic car often involves more than routine maintenance – it may need specialized care or restoration. Finding a mechanic or restoration expert who is knowledgeable about classic cars is essential. Look for professionals with experience in your specific car’s make and model so you’d have someone to contact should any issues with your car arise.

You may want to look at reviews, classic car club referrals, or word-of-mouth recommendations from other classic car owners. A trustworthy mechanic who understands classic cars can provide valuable guidance on maintenance and restoration.

4. Follow regular maintenance and care tips

Regular maintenance is key to keeping a classic car reliable. This goes beyond oil changes and tire rotations. Classic cars may require specific fluids, filters, or parts that are different from those used in modern vehicles.

Keep a regular maintenance schedule, and be proactive in replacing parts that are prone to wear and tear. Storage is also an important consideration. Classic cars should be stored in a dry, climate-controlled environment to protect them from rust and degradation when not in use.

Finally, drive your classic car regularly. Prolonged periods of inactivity can lead to issues like battery drain, fluid leaks, and tire degradation. Regular use helps to keep the mechanical parts in good working order and can alert you to any emerging issues before they become major problems.


For those enchanted by the allure of classic cars, whether as current enthusiasts or potential new buyers, the journey is as much about passion as it is about practicality. If you’re thinking of dabbling in the world of classic cars, remember that you have to pick a reliable vehicle to ensure a satisfying experience.

While modern cars have more convenient features that make driving enjoyable, being able to drive, maintain, and even fix a classic car can be a new source of pride for you. If you’re up to the challenge of owning a classic car, you’d be delighted to see how reliable they can be.

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